Sunday, October 29, 2006

Let the countdown begin

Wow...Only eight more days till the first game. I am probably more excited than Matt. There's always a ton of stuff to do in the week leading up to his first game. This one is a little more unique because he has a game Tuesday and then turns around and goes right to LA for a tournament that weekend. It's going to be a hectic week next week. OK, for the next seven months. :)

Diana is going to be a Bunny for Halloween. I am going to take her to a Harvest Festival at the school across the street and then we are going trick or treating when Matt gets home from practice. Hopefully she doesn't spit up on anyone like she did last year.

I am going to take tons of photos, so make sure to check twopeas by the end of the week. I will try to put some on the blog too. We'll see if I can figure that out. :)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Finally! Another Post

Well, it's been two months since we last posted and so much has happened. Matt's basketball season is less than two weeks away. His first home game is Nov. 7 against College of San Mateo. He has done a great job of getting the team ready and we as a family are really excited for the season to start.

Angela has been going to practices with Diana lately. Her reasons are twofold. One, to get Diana used to sitting still and watching the action...It's a long season for her and we want her to learn and watch the game. Second, Angela is breaking in her D70 digital camera. She has been posting some photos on a critiquing web site so if you want to check it out here's the web site: think you can do a PeaSearch for Dianasmomma and see all my photos. There are some of Diana on there too.

Diana is walking...has been for two months now. The best part about her walking is her method. When she gets going pretty fast, she punches the air as she is walking to keep her balance. We just laugh and laugh!

Matt loves watching her walk around the gym during his practices. Yesterday, she had a grand time taking all the balls off the ball rack and throwing them as far as she could. Angela would put one back and Diana would take another off and toss it. People that were watching thought it was funny...angela? Not so much.

Anyway, we look forward to seeing family at the Nov. 7 game. We are going to Mt SAC for a tournament that weekend for hopefully three games. You can also keep up with the team at We are going to be posting scores and stuff there.