What a great three-day weekend! I haven't had one in a while here at the new job, so it was really nice to have an extra day to take care of some things around the house. I put up a bunch of frames around the house that have been collecting dust for a few months now. Our house really feels like a home even more now because of all the family pics I put up. It's awesome.
Thanks to my family, especially Matt, for putting together a great party last night with my family. It was nice to have everyone over and laugh and have good times.
The best part came later that night when I was setting up my new laptop (thanks, Mom!)and Matt and I heard Diana making some noise on the monitor. We turned the television down and turned the monitor up so we could hear what she was saying. After all, it was over an hour since I put her to bed. She was singing.
"Happy Birthday to My Mommy! Happy Birthday to My Mommy!
Happy Birthday to My Mommmmeeeee. Happy Birthday to My Mommmmeeee!"
I just sat there on the floor with my jaw to the ground and my hand over my mouth. The girl was singing exactly like we had sung two hours earlier when we had cake. I know they have birthdays at school, but I don't know if they sing (they probably do). But it was amazing! The girl shocks me every day, but to full on just start singing was hilarious!Matt and I were still laughing about it this morning.
There could have been no greater end to my pre-birthday celebration! Now, for Shopping at Target (thanks, Dad!)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Our favorite things

To say it was hot this weekend would be an understatement. It was well over 100 degrees and all of us were in desperate need of cooling off. After Au Bob's bridal shower on Saturday, we took naps, and enjoyed the return of a few of our favorite things - mommy's camera and Diana's water table.(I will post a photo later tonight).
Diana played in the water table for about an hour. I didn't even realize that long had gone by because I was busy snapping away pictures of the happy girl. She's so funny because she's very business like when she's playing with the water table. It's not all about splashing...it's about organization, making sure everything gets played with and making sure water gets poured on the ground at least once.
It was the first time Diana got to wear her Princess bathing suit. It's been hanging in her room for about a month now and it fits her perfectly. She'll be able to have it all summer.
Then....on Sunday, we went for a bike ride a couple hours before bed time. Diana rode her tricycle, which she is getting very good at, up to the park and we went on the swings. All was fine until Diana lost her balance running down a small hill and smacked her face into the sidewalk. Needless to say, I will not be posting a photo from that. She's OK. She had some swelling and looked like she was involved in a heavyweight fight, but no black eyes today thank goodness! She's a trouper because after it happened, we walked back home to clean her up and the whole time, she is saying "bike, Daddy, bike!" She wanted to get back on her bike. So after we changed clothes and got her all cleaned up, we went back to the park to go down the slide. She keeps it all in perspective for us!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Oh, Mandy!
Well, we got back from Vegas yesterday afternoon and it's back to work today. Vegas was good. We ate out at a couple nice restaurants, one of which is a hot spot for a ton of A-list celebs that stop in to town. I was very proud to suggest that one to Matt. While he was getting a massage and I was getting a pedicure, I asked some of the locals where to go before our concert at the Hilton and they said "Piero's, definitely!" So we went and it was awesome. Italian food, of course. Great atmosphere and really not bad priced either.
The Barry Manilow experience was interesting for me. Having not grown up around his music, I was mostly there to provide support for Matt. It was a good show. The guy didn't so much as take a sip of water for the 1 1/2 hours that he performed. He was non-stop the whole time. It was funny to see the 40-year-old women all dressed up and swooning over Manilow though. You would swear that they were at Thunder Down Under (a male revue show in Vegas) not Barry Manilow!
The basketball clinic was good too. We saw Jay Wright from Villanova, but only stayed for a little bit because he wasn't that good. He really liked to hear himself talk. We also saw Geno Auriemmo from UConn. That's mostly who we went to see. Matt didn't even bring his notebook to write anything down (not that he needs to because he's seen all the guys videos and runs his offenses). Geno was hilarious! Just as funny as in his coaching videos. He threw a Tennessee jab in there, which is what I was expecting. Awesome! One of his former players was in attendance, Shea Ralph, and he kept asking her "This is what we ran, right Shea?" And she would answer "Yup!" It was interesting.
Diana had a little separation anxiety after being with Gramma V for three nights. They picked us up at the airport and took us back to Michelle's apt. to get our car and Diana refused to drive back home with us. She wanted to stay with Gramma V. So she drove back with Gramma V and was fine once she got home.
I can't believe how much more Diana is talking. We were only away from her for a few days. It's crazy!
The Barry Manilow experience was interesting for me. Having not grown up around his music, I was mostly there to provide support for Matt. It was a good show. The guy didn't so much as take a sip of water for the 1 1/2 hours that he performed. He was non-stop the whole time. It was funny to see the 40-year-old women all dressed up and swooning over Manilow though. You would swear that they were at Thunder Down Under (a male revue show in Vegas) not Barry Manilow!
The basketball clinic was good too. We saw Jay Wright from Villanova, but only stayed for a little bit because he wasn't that good. He really liked to hear himself talk. We also saw Geno Auriemmo from UConn. That's mostly who we went to see. Matt didn't even bring his notebook to write anything down (not that he needs to because he's seen all the guys videos and runs his offenses). Geno was hilarious! Just as funny as in his coaching videos. He threw a Tennessee jab in there, which is what I was expecting. Awesome! One of his former players was in attendance, Shea Ralph, and he kept asking her "This is what we ran, right Shea?" And she would answer "Yup!" It was interesting.
Diana had a little separation anxiety after being with Gramma V for three nights. They picked us up at the airport and took us back to Michelle's apt. to get our car and Diana refused to drive back home with us. She wanted to stay with Gramma V. So she drove back with Gramma V and was fine once she got home.
I can't believe how much more Diana is talking. We were only away from her for a few days. It's crazy!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
All Better!
Diana seems to be all better!
She went to school on Wednesday with a big smile on her face and seems to be so glad to be feeling better. I got off work early to go pick her up and when we finally got home after running an errand, she came up to me and said "Mommy, eat." So glad that she finally has her appetite back. We are taking it slow still with the food she eats but she's got her energy back that's for sure.
And she's talking more than ever too! I was packing last night for our trip to Vegas and she said "Di-Ana Borchert come?" I also taught her to say "Dos Vedanya" (I hope I spelled that right) thanks to Grandpa D, who wants to teach her Russian on top of the English and Spanish she's already learning. She said it pretty good.
Anyway, we are very glad to be back to a healthy family. Thanks for all your support!
She went to school on Wednesday with a big smile on her face and seems to be so glad to be feeling better. I got off work early to go pick her up and when we finally got home after running an errand, she came up to me and said "Mommy, eat." So glad that she finally has her appetite back. We are taking it slow still with the food she eats but she's got her energy back that's for sure.
And she's talking more than ever too! I was packing last night for our trip to Vegas and she said "Di-Ana Borchert come?" I also taught her to say "Dos Vedanya" (I hope I spelled that right) thanks to Grandpa D, who wants to teach her Russian on top of the English and Spanish she's already learning. She said it pretty good.
Anyway, we are very glad to be back to a healthy family. Thanks for all your support!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Being sick is the absolute worst
Diana has been sick since Wednesday. Throwing up, coughing, diarrhea (though that hasn't been that bad). She hasn't been herself, which is not fun to watch. She's fallen asleep on the floor, on the chair, on the couch, on us. She hasn't eaten much and really doesn't like the taste of Gatorade or PediaLyte. We have taken her to the doctor twice, including a trip to Kaiser in Vallejo on Sunday afternoon. They said she has an ear infection (which she probably got two weeks ago when the cough started), which turned in to a sinus infection which caused her to get a minor case of pink eye. She's on two antibiotics. I feel so helpless. What's a mom to do but give TLC?
While she's been sick, her lips have gotten super chapped, but she won't let us put Chapstick or anything on them. Well, last night, I pulled the Cinderella card. I told her that the Burt's Bees came directly from Cinderella and Snow White because I called them and asked them what they used on their lips to keep them shiny and healthy. A couple minutes of that worked like a charm. She let me put it on her without a whimper!
I thought it would be good to end this post on a happy note. :)
While she's been sick, her lips have gotten super chapped, but she won't let us put Chapstick or anything on them. Well, last night, I pulled the Cinderella card. I told her that the Burt's Bees came directly from Cinderella and Snow White because I called them and asked them what they used on their lips to keep them shiny and healthy. A couple minutes of that worked like a charm. She let me put it on her without a whimper!
I thought it would be good to end this post on a happy note. :)
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