Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What's that smell?

I know what happens to my body when I am pregnant..funny things. I ate and ate and ate some more today. I just never lost that hungry feeling...it was horrible and good at the same time. I ran out of snacks and had to resort to eating the Saltines that my boss gave me a couple weeks ago when I told her that I was pregnant (super nice gesture by the way).
The smell thing started soon after I found out I was pregnant. I was walking over to get tea with a co-worker and as we walked into the common area, there were a ton of people getting coffee, etc. Right as we walked in, I stopped and said "someone has eggs." I am not a big fan of the smell of hard boiled eggs anyway, but this was the strongest hard-boiled egg smell I had ever smelled.
I looked around and sure enough on the counter was a tiny thing of Tupperware with hard-boiled eggs in it. It was closed up so it wasn't like the smell was lurking all over the place. Now, that's some pregnancy nose for ya!
It happened again tonight when I picked Diana up from preschool. KinderCare just has this smell to it. My mom has always noticed it more than I have...though I have noticed it and just grown accustomed to it. I noticed it immediately today when I picked her up this afternoon. There were some other kids in the way so I couldn't really bend down and hug her right away, but I got close enough to get a whiff of the KinderCare smell. I wish I could've rushed her home and tossed her in the bath tub and scrubbed her clean right there and then, but we had dance class. It wasn't until 2 hours later that I had the chance to get that stench off her. And trust me...when she got done, I smelled the clean smell for a while.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Breaking News: Solano plays at Chabot of Hayward on Wednesday at 7 p.m. We lost to Chabot in the semifinals of the Solano Showdown back in December so hopefully we have better luck this time.

Wish good things for Matt and his players!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Conference champs

It's always nice to end the regular season with a win, especially when it's of the 53-point variety. We really didn't know if Matt's team would qualify for the playoffs so to possibly end the season on with a win is something that's never happened in Matt's time at Solano. Sophomore Night was awesome as usual...very classy and professional and the three sophomores had a great time.
About 20 minutes after the win, the girls got the message that Yuba beat Contra Costa, giving us a share of the conference title. Back-to-back champs for the first time since 1998. Awesome! It was a little surreal and bittersweet because there was a very subdued celebration but champs are champs! Matt has done a great job with this team and we can't wait to hear what the playoffs hold for us next week.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feeling Pregnant

When I was pregnant with Diana, I was really lucky. I didn't have to be to work until 2:30 at the latest so I just sat in bed all morning until the last possible minute when I had to get in the shower and start getting ready for work...which was about noon. I munched on crackers and swore I was going to die from nausea.
I am a lot tougher now (mentally that is)..being a mom will do that to you. I don't have nausea when I get up in the morning, but once I get up and get going it starts. Then, when my eyes see food, it's over. From the time I force down some breakfast until about 10 a.m., it's all nausea all the time. I found a solution this morning...I went to Safeway on my way into work and bought some caffeine free Ginger tea. There must have been 500 boxes of tea and only three of them were Ginger flavored. Of those three, just one was caffeine free. I had two cups of Ginger tea this morning and a couple handfuls of pretzels. By 10 a.m., I was feeling much better. Let's hope this remedy works every day. At least I am feeling pregnant now. I also found out this week that Matt's aunt's birthday is on my due date. That's kinda cool. She's hoping for an on-time baby of course. What are the odds of that, about 1 in 365, right?
In other news: Matt's season gets over on Friday. Well, that is, if they don't share the conference title. It's been a fun season. This team has grown so much and made so much improvement that I am a little sad to see it end. What a great group this has been. I covered two of the three sophomores in high school for several years so it's gonna be sad to see them leave, but happy to see them move on. It's been great to have them as a part of our family for the past two years.
We have been introducing more and more the idea of Diana being a big sister. I bought her a "I'm a Big Sister" book which we read every day. She loves it. I asked her if she wants to have a girl or a boy. She said a girl because "Me and you are girls, Mommy." I said "But if we have a boy, then Daddy will have someone to play tackle football with." She got really quiet. That was not a good thing to say because tackle football is Diana's favorite thing to play with Matt right now. I quickly, and I do mean quickly, changed the subject. I really don't want to find out what sex the baby is, but Matt, Au Bob and just about everyone I know says that I have to find out. Why? I love surprises. We have names ready for both...but I'll never tell. Not for seven more months! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Miss Diana lately

Here's our wonderful Diana in pictures...

This is in her pre-ballet class through city of Vacaville...

And this is her running at the Davis Stampede last weekend...

One of 'those' girls

There was a girl in my freshman biology class in high school whose sister got pregnant. I think she was a senior.
She claims that she didn't know she was pregnant because her periods were always irregular. Me being the naive 14-year-old that I was I thought that was crazy.
How do you not know you are pregnant? Doesn't your body go through all kinds of changes when you get pregnant? There's a person inside you for crying out loud.
Well, over the next dozen or so years, I heard many of these tales of this so-called "I didn't know I was pregnant" crap-ola.
I recently became one of these girls. Yes, I am pregnant and didn't know it.
Ever since going off birth control in October (after my half marathon) my periods were irregular...OK, you know what, let's skip the details.
That pregnancy test I took in January after I missed my December period was wrong. I was, in fact, pregnant. Today, I am 10 weeks.
Our baby is due Sept. 8, 2009.
It's all a little surreal right now and we're very focused on this very thrilling basketball season.
When I can start shopping for maternity clothes, I think that's when it will sink in. Right now, the baby is making me hungry all the time. I haven't had any nausea so far...which is great. And I am really trying to stick to eating healthy for the next 7 months.
We have a lot of work to do around the house. The new baby is going to share this very office so we have to convert my scrapbook table into a scrapbooking "area" that won't take up a lot of space. It's going to require some trip to Lowe's and some big time help from Grandpa D and Grandma V.
Diana doesn't fully understand that she's gonna be a big sister, but when we asked her tonight what was in Mommy's tummy she said "a baby." That was pretty cool.
I mentioned to her that getting a little brother or sister would mean she would have someone to share her toys with and play with...she wasn't too thrilled of the idea of sharing her toys. I gotta remember to steer clear of that in the next 7 months.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Good times around here

OK...As I sit here watching a rerun of Friends and waiting for American Idol to come on, Diana is upstairs screaming "I don't want to go to bed!" just 10 minutes after she begged me to put her to bed without brushing her teeth. We did brush the teeth, but this is what happens when she doesn't take a nap at school. Utter chaos and tiredness.
On to our lives. Diana is doing really well other than the occasional tantrum. She's having a blast in ballet class, playing games is one of her favorite after school activities and I am trying to teach her how to read. Tonight while I was drying her hair, I was spelling out some common words for her and she would tell me what they spell: Cat, Dog, Chris, Bob, Mom, Dad, Hat, Bat, Sat, Rat. I was struggling to think of more as she was putting the pressure on "Mommy, more!" I just kept repeating the same ones. (My brain is fried too at 7:15 p.m. Remember, I don't take naps during the day either).
Matt's team is doing well. They won their ninth straight game tonight, up at Mendocino. So exciting. The early reports are that they didn't play well, even though they were up by 19 at half. My contact in Ukiah (my dad) said Mendo cut it to four but we pulled out a 17-point win. Glad we don't have to play them again. Five more games to go. They are still hoping to at least tie for the conference championship but will have to win the rest of their games and get some help. His team has improved so much and they are so much fun to watch that all that doesn't really matter to me. The improvement has been amazing.
Work is going well for me. I am constantly making improvements to our intranet site and getting lots of positive feedback about it. I got called into the Senior Vice President's office the other day and I was really nervous that he was going to lay me off. He started asking me about Matt's job and if he was planning on staying there for a while. I don't think I was sweating on the exterior, but I was preparing myself for the worst. Especially since the SVP was rocking back and forth in his chair and very uncomfortable. He said that he just wanted to check in and see how things were going with me because he doesn't often get the chance to see how I am doing. I thought that was really nice of him...especially since he didn't fire me. I am pretty confident that I am not going to become a casuality of the economy as far as my job goes but you just never know and I have to mentally prepare myself for that.
I got back on the treadmill two days in a row this week and am hoping to make it three tonight. Matt, Michelle, Dad and I are running in the Davis Stampede on Sunday...just the 5K. I am really excited for all of us to run together (well, not literally together, but you know what I mean). Michelle and I are planning on doing the Bay to Breakers as well...myself, very reluctantly. That's a blog for after the race.