It was really windy so Amy rode in the Snugli the whole time - hence the lack of Amy pictures in this post. I am thankful though that Au Bob and Grandpa D got some pictures of Amy riding in the Snugli so that 20 years from now we don't have this conversation:
Amy: Mom, why aren't there any pictures of ME and my first trip to Cool Patch?
Me: It was really windy that day, Amy and you rode in the Snugli the whole time.
Amy: But Diana was screaming her lungs out in the pictures of her first trip to Cool Patch, why?
Me: Because it was really windy that day.
Amy: Um, and there are no pictures of me because....
Me: We didn't want you to be as miserable as Diana!
So, again, thanks to Au Bob and Grandpa D for hopefully helping me avoid the above conversation someday.
Diana tackling Matt in the Corn Bath, her favorite thing at Cool Patch:

Diana driving with Gramma V:

Diana running through the mini-maze: