Today is as good a time as any to revive the blog - Amy had her six-month checkup today. Yes, six months. I can hardly believe it myself. Time really does fly when you're having fun. Amy is a great baby. She's super happy, very independent and just loves life. We are very lucky and blessed.
Her six-month appointment today was followed up by a physical therapy appointment last week. Her physical therapist is very happy with Amy's progress (she's rolling over both ways, grabbing toys, making raspberries and has pretty good balance) and says she's right where she's supposed to be for a 4 1/2 month old. She's even doing some six month things.
Today's doctor appointment went well. I always like to go see the girls' pediatrician because he's a great guy. Matt and I love him. He spends the first 15 minutes talking about Matt's basketball season (more on that in a little bit) and then he gets into the kids. I like the small talk personally. It shows that he cares about our family.
Amy weighs a little more than 14 pounds and is a little more than 25 inches. Right where she should be. The doctor was very impressed with her balance as well and that she's making raspberries, grabbing toys, and doing all the other six month baby things. We started Amy on rice cereal a couple weeks ago and she loves it so the doc said we can start to incorporate other foods. I would really like to puree our own fresh veggies rather than buy the jarred baby food so I am going to look into that in the next couple days before we start her on everything this weekend. Matt and I were trying to remember how it we still give Amy rice cereal? Do we give her the whole bottle? We were giving her six of the 8 oz of formula and using the last two to make the rice cereal. I will be emailing the doctor once I finish my novel here. :)
All in all, Amy is doing great and we just love how much joy she brings to our family. She's sleeping really well and she loves going to Matt's games. She even likes watching sports on television, which is great when I have to sit with Diana to do homework or fix dinner on nights when Matt isn't home. I know that sounds terrible, but hey...she's quiet and happy!
I am very lucky to have two little girls who love one another as well. Both of them bring a smile to each other's face every day and I love to watch them interact with one another.
On to Miss D! Diana is doing great in Pre-K. I was super proud of her the other day when a girl in her class told Diana that she wasn't her friend (this wasn't the first time this has happened). Diana immediately responded with "We're all friends!" I almost cried, I was so happy! My little girl is growing up right before my eyes. She's toned down the tantrums and I think she's done with them...or so I hope. She loves to play with Amy but when she's done it's "Mommy, I don't want to play with Amy anymore." There's a little sass in her tone too as if Amy did something to offend her. It's pretty funny.
Diana has also gotten the courage to sit behind Matt's bench at his games and hand the girls their towels when they come out of the game. We have been trying to get her to do this for a couple years and all of a sudden she decided she wanted to. She just does it in the second half so I can sit on the baseline and take pictures of the team and keep an eye on her, but she loves it and she's great at it.
I try to make sure that Matt watches his language or goes away from where Diana is sitting when he just can't resist, but she hears it enough at home, so I guess it's no big deal.
When Matt was watching film the other night, Diana was looking for herself on the television. She asked Matt "Daddy, where's my helper?" We didn't quite know what to say because SHE'S the helper. After a couple minutes of blankly staring at each other, Matt says "OOooh, you mean Victor (the team's student trainer who hands the girls water)?" Diana says "Yes." We started laughing so hard because to Diana, he's HER helper.
Matt's season is going really well. You can follow the team on the team's blog The blog is the reason I haven't been here much. I update the blog, do game notes and a variety of other assistant coach/wife duties that I absolutely love doing. I never stop going these days, but it's so much fun for me to be involved.
And it's even more fun when the team is winning. We are really looking forward to an exciting conclusion to the season and hope that only good things come our way.
I haven't been working out as much because of all the extra work I am doing. I try to fit in a session on the Wii we got for Christmas, but it's been hard lately. Once basketball season is over, it'll be easier. I love doing yoga, boxing, step aerobics and running on the Wii Fit Plus. It's a great workout...shocking even to me. I love it and Diana has actually gotten into it as well. She's quite the bowler and I challenge anyone to come over to the house and take her on!
Hopefully I won't be absent much from the blog as our basketball season winds down. I love talking about my family so it's been killing me to ignore this blog for as long as I have.