Spring time has hit Northern California and when Mr. Golden Sun graces us with his presence, I am outta the house with the girls.
During Masters weekend, we did all kinds of fun stuff - shopping, parties and more shopping. It's fun to spend time with my girls on the weekend because weekdays are so focused on dinner and bedtime.
This past weekend, Diana concluded her DanceGym class with a performace at the Vacaville Recreation Department's Expo. She got up on stage and did her little performance that they practiced during class. It was fun to see her on stage and do her thing. I was so proud of her.
Right after that, we piled back in the mini-van, picked up Au Bob and went to the block party in Dixon. It's been going on for 15 years and is a chance for the community to learn more about what's going on in their hometown. There were some performances, vendors, food for sale, etc. The library was even giving out a free book to kids. That was pretty cool.
We went out to lunch and then headed home for naps. Matt and Diana had a date later that night and attended a dance performance at Solano. I have a picture of them all fancied up. Diana saw what Matt was wearing and asked him why he was wearing basketball clothes (I guess he's only allowed to wear Dockers and a polo when he's coaching). They looked really cute.
I had to make a trip to Target on Sunday because Diana needed a white t-shirt to bring to cheerleading which starts on Tuesday. :)
I guess they are going to decorate a t-shirt on Tuesday. They also have these cute little cotton "cheerleading" shorts so I got her a couple pair of those...they were $5, a steal in my book. Plus, Matt wanted Amy to have some white socks because sometimes her socks don't match her outfit (we can't have that!!). There were some other things that randomly found their way into our basket and I left thinking I should've just gone to Wal-Mart where there are less influences. I have no idea where anything is at Wal-Mart and I don't take the time to look for the "dangerous" stuff. I know where all the "dangerous" stuff is at Target.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing. I went to Au Bob's softball game (sans kids) on Sunday afternoon and when Gramma V got there she said I looked different. I knew exactly what she was talking about. A momma looks different without a preschooler and infant by her side.
On the news front: Amy got her first tooth! It's on the bottom and she's a little fussy, but mostly has a loss of appetite. She's being pretty tough about it though and Diana is learning about parenting every step of the way!
This weekend is Loop the Lagoon in Vacaville...a little exercise for the Borcherts!