I don't know who reads this blog anymore. I haven't done a great job of keeping updated about what's going on in our lives. A lot has happened since I last posted (since we returned from Chicago). That seems like forever ago. Diana is still talking about it and asking when we are going to go back. She wants to know what kind of airplane we are going to go on, if the bus (shuttle) will take us to the airport (from the parking lot) and if there will be lots to do on the plane (i.e. Mom bring more stuff for me to do on the plane).
I could recap the last three months, but I'm not going to. That would mean I have to include Halloween, Thanksgiving and a hundred million stories of how Diana is doing in kindergarten (great!) and how Amy is doing (wonderful!).
I will skip to the good stuff.
I was laid off two weeks ago. Yes, from my job. My new job is a stay at home mom. I don't know how to do this. I am in awe of women who do this all the time. It's one thing to come home from the hospital knowing that you are a stay at home mom now and can get your kid on a schedule, etc. But to completely disrupt two little ones' lives and have to reprogram them is not easy. Especially during the holidays. I am in week three now and I hope that by the end of this week, we are finally on a good schedule.
I am actively looking for a job but there's not much out there for what I was doing before. Everything would involve commuting, which I am not opposed to, but they have to pay me decently.
Right now, I am just taking things one day at a time and enjoying my family.
Speaking of which, Amy just woke up from her nap. Gotta go. :)