Diana got some practice the last couple days opening presents.
First, it was presents from the Badillas. The Tickle Me Elmo Extreme battery is almost out because it's been used so much in the last couple days. That thing is hilarious! A must have! Diana mostly played with the box – and still does. But the box is pretty fun in its own right.
Today, Papa John and Gramma Judy came up and had Christmas with us. Diana did pretty good. Once I asked her to "help mommy" with the boxes, she was more than willing to tear the paper off. She did OK. She got some great toys and clothes. My fave so far though are the towels. Big ole towels with her name on it. Something she really needed. She was outgrowing the baby towels she got when she was a baby. She would shiver out of the bath because she wasn't all the way covered. It was sad, really. She also got a pink roller suitcase with her name on it. Awesome for all those trips she'll be taking to family members' houses.
I can't wait for Xmas now. Six more days! I still have a lot of shopping to do but hoepfully I can do it in the daytime and avoid the crowds.
The weather here is frightful! Tomorrow: 49 high 27 low. Brrrr! I had to laugh tonight when I read about the Arizona State women's basketball team playing an outdoor game in Phoenix. The fans in the stands were bundled up, according to the story on AP, 'like Packers fans at Lambeau Field.' The temp in Phoenix at tip-off? 56 degrees. I woulda been wearing shorts!
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