Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Trip to the Zoo

Aunt Michelle, Diana and Ang went to the Sacramento Zoo today. What fun! There are some incredible animals at the zoo. We saw flamingos which were absolutely beautiful, screaming monkeys (hilarious), giraffes (another beauty), ducks (love em), orangatanes (sp)which are just about the slowest creature alive and much more.

Diana seemed to like the flamingos because they were pink. She loved the ducks of course and tried to talk to them. Most of the animals seemed to be boycotting because of the heat and just stayed in the shade most of the morning that we were there. It was as if they were saying, "You can see me from there."

We didn't stay long, about 2 hours. They had a playground and Diana got to play for a little bit. That might have been her favorite part actually. Another mom commented that she thought the zoo was supposed to be for the kids, but it was more for the adults. Totally true. Ang and Michelle got more enjoyment out of the screaming monkeys, giraffes and flamingos than Diana. OH well.

You can visit twopeas to see some photos Ang took at the zoo. There's a link at the bottom of the blog. Enjoy!

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