Is it too early? I started my Christmas shopping last weekend and we are getting bombarded with catalogs in the mail, so it's kinda hard to avoid. Here's the lowdown on shopping for Diana for Christmas--she doesn't need any toys, plus with all the lead in toys and toys being recalled at a rapid pace, we are even more hesitant.
There are some things that she needs, besides clothes, which are always always welcome. She's into a 3T or 4T by now. She won't wear jeans. For the most part, she wears sweats and cotton shorts. Also, she likes to take her diaper off at night so we have resorted to putting her in onesies as PJs. So, if you can find onesies that are 24 mos. and older, buy them...PLEASE!
She needs some busier bath toys. A lot of the ones she has right now are from when she was little and she gets a little bored of pouring, pouring, pouring for the 15 minutes she is in the tub. There are some in the Lillian Vernon catalog that are cute. Anything really is fine. Just stuff that keeps her busy.I have been looking for the bath crayons but haven't had any luck. I think she would like those.
She's also really into the Disney Princesses (Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White and Jasmine). Anytime she sees them (which is everywhere nowadays) she goes crazy. She also likes Hello Kitty (we met her at the outlets the other day) and Sesame Street. Books are fine too. She also loves cars and her new train set.
Matt and I are probably going to buy the soccer goal set for her that's in the Lillian Vernon catalog. She loves to kick her soccer ball and is quite good at it. She loves playing outdoors and has quite an outdoor collection. Of course, she also loves basketball, so keep that in mind.
Some other things that I liked and would actually help her with school: there's an easel that comes with paint in the Lillian Vernon catalog. She's really afraid to use the paint at school because she doesn't want to get messy. We bought her some Play-Doh (which she loves loves) and that's made her a little more outgoing during art time at school. I think the easel would get her more involved.
Hopefully, I have helped, but not been too pushy. Everyone always asks what to get Diana for Christmas so hopefully this will be good to refer back to. Also, get in touch with family members and exhange lists. I know several of you have done that in the past.
Side note/Different topic:We are really looking forward to the season starting on Friday! Can't wait to see the girls in action!