Saturday, November 03, 2007

Great Halloween

I posted some photos on SmugMug of Diana's third Halloween, but to put it in writing...she had so much fun. She doesn't eat candy so it makes the night so much better for us, we can just cruise around to a couple houses and head back home. Several of Matt's players came over to the house so we had a packed made it really fun. Matt ordered pizza (eight of them) so we had plenty of food for all the hungry mouths. We didn't have that many trick or treaters in our neighborhood, but I don't think that many kids trick or treat anymore. It's kinda sad really.
Back to Diana...She loved going up to people's doors, ringing the doorbell and getting some candy. She even started to pick out her own candy at one lady's house. We visited the house where Diana spit up on the lady's front porch three years ago and she totally remembered Diana. It was pretty funny. At one point, Aunt MIchelle took over and brought her up to the front doors. Then, Diana would literally pull Michelle up the street to go to the next house. Poor Michelle, dressed in that prom outfit with heels on had a hard time keeping up with D.

Matt's first game is next Friday at Mt.SAC. It's going to be fun. We are looking forward to it. Diana, Grand V and I are leaving Friday afternoon. We will miss the first game but be there for Saturday and Sundays games. Go Solano!

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