I got this idea from Alison over at Parallel Parking. Diana does a lot of handprint art at school and I thought this was a great idea to get some holiday decore around the house for relatively inexpensive. I went to Target earlier in the day to buy the supplies and I had plenty of extras around the house in my scrapbooking room. Diana had a great time "decorating" her tree once she got aggressive with the glitter shakers.

Once we got done with our reindeer, santa and tree handprint arts, Diana wanted to be one with the finger paints...who am I to say no?

It was a great night with Gramma V, Mommy and the kitchen floor. (Don't worry, Daddy, we cleaned up really good!)

Matt came back on Saturday afternoon and we had a restful day around the house. On Sunday morning, we left for Silveyville in Dixon to get our tree. These photos were taken of Diana before she threw the ultimate tantrum. Diana "rode" one of the reindeer, we all went for a sleigh ride with Santa and picked out a great tree.

Diana still talks about the sleigh ride and how "when we went to pick up our tree, we went on a sleigh ride, Mommy!"
Before we left for Silveyville, Diana made sure to tell us that she wanted a little tree. So glad we didn't have to break it to her that we were only getting one tree for the house. We did want to take her photo next to one of the many small trees though...so cute!

And finally, we got to decorating tonight. Diana did a great job. She especially looked forward to putting on the "red bubblegum" decoration that Gramma V bought her at Kohl's on Black Friday. I was really proud of her for not getting frustrated when her decorations kept falling off the tree. She stuck with it and kept trying. After just a few decorations, she got the hang of it and not one fell off.

So cute! Her tree came out great! What is it about glitter? It's so fun and sparkly. :)
Yaay for handprint art, i love that stuff. Diana will have to teach Alex how to do that.
Your daughter is too cute. Please make it stop.
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