Diana started Just for Kicks soccer class today. It's an eight-week class for a half hour each that teaches the fundamentals. They do some kicking drills and just work on kicking. They did a lot of that. It was great. Diana was awesome. I was most proud of Diana during ballet on the days when she really listened to her teacher and followed instruction and didn't get influenced by the other girls who were off running around and doing her own thing. She's in a soccer class now with 3-4 year olds, boys and girls. While it is a Mommy, Daddy and Me class, Matt and I stayed behind for the most part and just let her do her soccer thing. She listened, she kicked the heck out of the soccer ball, she got a great workout and most important, she had fun! She had a huge smile on her face after we left...and that was even when she realized that she had some fans there - Grandpa D recorded the whole thing on video (in addition to my standard picture taking), and Gramma V and her friend Linda stopped by on a covert mission to spy on the little one in her class. It was a great way to start the morning!
Here's some photos from the class...Enjoy!
This is Matt putting her cleats on.

This is Matt and Diana warming up.

More warming up.

Diana scoring on an open-netter. :)

I think I need one more barrette next time, Mommy.

Is there anything better than seeing your kid smile so big?
Love it, she is so cute in her little soccer uniform. Looks like she was really enjoying herself, and I know how much fun it is to watch your kids enjoying something!
I love my niece! Good job Diana. I'm going to email her now. haha!
How fun! She looks so cute!
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