So, Diana and Gramma V came with me to Sacramento today for the Baby Show. I had to go to Sacramento because I requested genetics counseling because of the medication I take for epilepsy. I did that with Diana too but went to Oakland for the ultrasound. Nothing against Oak-town, but Sacramento is much more convenient.
Anyway, the Baby Show went well and we got lots of pictures to take home. Diana was a little freaked out I think because she wasn't too conversational (she was also very tired from being up the previous night with a little sicky tummy). But she told Au Bob later that "we got to see the baby on the TVs" so that was encouraging.
The doctor said the baby looked really good and we don't have anything to worry about as far as genetic defects. Not that it mattered and not that I was worried, but it's good to hear.
The best part of the appointment was the ultrasound tech, the doctor and the genetics counselor saying that it was easy to get great images because I am so thin! OMG! If I am glowing for the next 20 weeks, that's why! THIN? I have never been called that in my life. So awesome.
Here are a couple pics of Baby Borchert...Enjoy!
Here's the baby "blowing a bubble." It's the embilical cord, but they were going to take a copy of the picture and put it in their wall of fame. Cool, huh?

Here's the baby looking at its big feet saying "Whoa!"

Yeah, it is totally a boy. I know it.
looks like the same moves Alex was making, I'm with Michelle, bet you its a boy!
Those are such GREAT images!!
First of all congratulation for your pregnancy hun! I arrived on your blog randomly and I really liked it! I'm a mum of a little boy called Marlow and I really enjoy reading other mummy stories online. I know you are in a early pregnancy stage but I am curious, have you picked a name for baby yet? I rememer I spent a lot of time chilling out choosing my baby names. Here a great link It a big responsability choose the name... xx Jo
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