Diana's first week of swim lessons was awesome!
She was always very eager to get in the water, not one tear was shed and we think she's the next Natalie Coughlin. OK, just kidding about that part.
The class is a little more advanced for her level, but that's OK. I would rather have her challenged than doing something that's too easy. They are using a kickboard, learning to swim freestyle and even spend the last five minutes of class jumping in the water. For some reason, Diana felt the need to hold her teacher's hands when she jumped in. I was shocked by this because she NEVER does this at our pool here at Dream Street. She's always done it by herself. Hopefully this week she get a little more brave and trust that her teacher will, in fact, catch her.
She really loves it and even remembered her teacher's name all week, which is a miracle for Diana. We are looking forward to week 2 of swimming this and seeing how much more improvement she can make.
This is Diana learning to float on her back. She doesn't like water in her eyes, so her eyes are always closed the tightest they can be.

She was really good at using the kickboard and made very big splashes.

After she jumped in the water, she looked at her fingers and said "Mommy, I got prunes!" The other moms thought it was adorable!

I got prunes!!! I can't wait to see her in action this week. She looks like she is taking it all in and learning how to be the best! Such concentration. Grandma V and Grandpa D must be so proud that swimming is being passed down through the generations.
Thats cute. Our girls are doing swim lessons as well.
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