I had to make a trip to the grocery store today - not just for one or two things, for a big shop. I was gonna be there a while. Matt suggested that Amy would be fine if I just kept her in the car seat and put the car seat in the shopping cart. I have seen people do this before and I am not a big fan. It seems like it's not very secure in there. I thought about bringing the Snugli baby carrier, but thought "The husband is usually right, I will give it a try." Plus, I wasn't totally sure that Amy would fit in the Snugli yet. I hadn't had a chance to test her out in it yet.
So, off I went to the grocery store. Once there, Amy and I walked in (with her in the car seat) and I attempted to fit her car seat in the shopping cart. Now, keep in mind that I tend to talk to myself...a lot. I am standing in the lobby at Raley's trying to fit the car seat in the cart and it's just not working. It's way too wobbly. I am narrating this outloud as all this is happening. After a couple minutes, I decide that this is not going to happen.
"Amy, we are going back home to get the Snugli," I tell my one-month-old.
I go back out to the car, put Amy in and drive home. (Luckily, we only live across the street.)
Once home, I get Amy out of the car, place her (in her car seat) in the foyer, run upstairs to get the Snugli and attempt to put it together. There are ties, buckles and padding all over this thing. It's about 11:30 in the morning, I have the front door open and it's starting to get hot. I am breaking out into a sweat trying to put this Snugli back together. It's comedy. If I was on hidden camera, I am sure to have gotten thousands of hits on YouTube. (Keep in mind, that I am still talking to myself.)
After about five minutes, I finally figure it out and I have it tightened everywhere it's supposed to be tightened.
"I am not taking this thing off and putting it back together in the Raley's parking lot," I tell myself.
So, I grab my child and we get back into the car - with the Snugli attached to my chest.
We get to Raley's and life is good because I can do some worry-free shopping! It was hilarious, but well worth every laugh!
Thank you Snugli!