She weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz. and is 22 inches long. She's healthy and happy. She also had to get shots and this was the first time that I had to go at it alone. With Diana, Matt was there to hold her down and I just sat across the room and looked away but today I had to hold Amy while the meanie vaccination man poked my kid's chubby little legs. He didn't even offer her a sticker! He suggested I go to the pharmacy and buy some infant Tylenol and give it to her when we got home so she doesn't get a fever. I did...that went over real well. Poor thing had this thick red syrup all over her face. She feels fine, ate lunch well and is now fast asleep.
Meanwhile, this weekend we got the first look at Au Bob and Uncle Chris' new house. Very exciting stuff and Diana found herself a new playground. She cried when it was time to leave. I don't know that she's going to have this much fun in the house once the newlyweds get furniture in the house.
Here's a picture of her reading a book that Gramma V bought her.

Look at those hot pair of calves in the background!!!
I'm glad to hear Amy is doing so well! And Diana has a good sized backyard to run around in at our new house. Visit on a day that isn't over 100 degrees!
aww i hate when they get shots.. Alex's 6 month shots are on Monday and I am not looking forward to that.
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