Our Halloween actually started with the construction of Diana's costume. Aunt Debbie got the ball rolling by making the dress and ears but I had to put the finishing touches on:

Next, we spent Halloween Eve at Diana's school at the Fall Festival. It made for a late night, but it's something we like to do. Diana made a cookie and participated in some games the teachers had set up:

Halloween was so much fun! The day started out with the Borchert girls traveling up the road to Dixon to visit the Daggetts as they moved into their new home. Of course, Diana had to wear her costume and trick or treat at their house.

And Amy even had a good time at the Daggetts!

Diana was a big help to me as we made all kinds of goodies in preparation for our Halloween party!

Once Matt got home from the Solano football game, we all carved pumpkins!

Diana drew a face on Amy's:

We had a great time trick or treating in our neighborhood and it looked as though Heather and Clint weren't the only ones with fears of festivals. Our neighborhood was packed with kids and families - in years past, our neighborhood has been like a ghost town on Halloween...very scary!
And, as is tradition, the Borcherts got dressed up. Contrary to popular belief, I did not lose a bet and have to wear the ridiculously oversized costume....it was chosen for me by Diana. I was actually quite popular in the neighborhood and became somewhat of a celebrity. Gramma V even offered to buy the costume off me so she could wear it to school next Halloween. Gramma V, you can have it!

Diana scored big time on the candy, even though she only got to keep one bag of M&Ms.

I personally think that Diana was the cutest Minnie Mouse ever...thanks to Aunt Debbie!

And of course, our newest little pumpkin did quite well despite sleeping through most of Halloween!

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I am dying of laughter at your costume. That is the greatest thing ever. I can't wait to show Uncle Chris. Diana was adorable. Thanks for bringing her over to our house. And Amy too, even though she was sleeping. But she did smile when I got in her face to say hello! That is the LAST time you will have to eat lunch on our floor, I promise. I am so so sad that I missed "the greatest halloween ever" but it looks like you guys had a great time. Please put that costume on for me again some other time. PLEASE. Also, Amy is so cute in her pumpkin outfit. I want to compare it to that picture of Diana when she was just 4 months!
Also, I think I had on that same Giants shirt on Saturday! And I'm jealous that I also missed Round Table Pizza. So many reasons to go to the Borchert's for Halloween!
I love that you dressed up as Ernie!!! Diana was an adorable Minnie Mouse and of course little pumpkin Amy was sweet as ever!
Loved you halloween Costume! Maybe Next year we can go together, I had three kids and was bored all night... the girls looked super cute!
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