Diana has two new best friends. With 2-year-olds, this seems to change everyday...Pink Doggy is her best friend for a couple days and then her baby and this week, it's Ryan and Megan.
Diana has all but forgotten about Pink Doggy, sometimes Baby, but mostly Mom and Dad. Her two new best friends, who she follows around the house all day long are her cousins. Ever since they arrived, she has to know where they are at all times. They color together, play kitchen, do puzzles. All the stuff that mom and dad did with her before, it's now Ryan and Megan's turn.
And they politely play. Good thing the toys that Diana has now are enjoyable for an 11 year old and 13 year old. Otherwise, we would be out of luck.
Mom and Dad just love to watch Diana play with Ryan and Megan. This evening, while we were cooking dinner, Diana sat on the couch and played BrainQuest with Ryan. Ryan quizzed her on different items. It was adorable!
We are hoping that the transition once Ryan and Megan go back home will be OK...We aren't thinking about that yet though, we are just enjoying the fun D is having right now!
1 comment:
Glad that Diana and her cousins are having such a good time. Wish I could be there to enjoy some of it. Hope she's not to sad when they leave. Post some pics if you take any, or send us some. John
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