(I saw this on my friend Amy's blog and thought it was cute.)
Come out, come out, wherever you are! Let's reminisce!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. Have fun! Make it a good one and not an embarassing one, please!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Without further ado..Camp Gramma V
I asked Gramma V to write a short recap of Camp Gramma V for everyone to read about and I got a novel. What I got back as well was Camp Gramma V from Diana's perspective. Enjoy!
When I was told by my parentals that I was going to go to attend Camp Granma V for three nights from July 18 – July 21, I had no idea what they were talking about. I was a bit worried about not being with them for three nights, but I figured that if it had the name “Granma” in it, it had to be okay.

I got up at the crack of dawn on Friday and found myself at Granma V’s house in Fairfield. This was okay. I knew about this place. But, boy was I surprised when I went into what used to be my playroom. It was now a Cinderella bedroom complete with a canopy bed, toy box, bench with pictures of all my favorite princesses on it, my playhouse and my own CD player. Camp Granma V – V for short - was off to a great start.
After V showed me around, I tested out my new bed – very cool because I could get in and out whenever I wanted! I learned how to work the CD player after V showed me just once. I seem to have a knack for those electronic types of things.
After reviewing the list of activities for the Camp, we were off for our first adventure – story time at the Fairfield library with a picnic lunch at Civic Center Park afterwards. It was fun listening to the stories and I even got to play with some toys afterwards. Before lunch, we fed the ducks at the pond. V insisted that we feed them from the bridge because they’re pretty big and tend to peck at little people. When I threw the bread in the water, the ducks came swimming over from everywhere. I was glad that we were on the bridge.
When the bread was all gone, we were ready to eat. I had carried our very own picnic basket that included a blue-checkered tablecloth and napkins. V told me that her mom – Nanny – always thought that cloth napkins made eating more fun. The PBJ sandwich, grapes and blueberries were yummy. I figured we’d go back to V’s after, but there was more! Off to Train Town in Sonoma we went. V suggested that I close my eyes and rest for a while in the car seat so that I could have fun when we got to the trains. Though I never think that I need to take a nap, I decided to give it a try, and when I finally woke up, we were parked in the shade at Train Town. V told me that I’d been sleeping over an hour. Wow, I guess this camp stuff can be exhausting.

Train Town was cool. I mostly liked to watch the bigger kids go on the rides, but V and I had a fun train trip and even got to feed some goats. I got a cool t-shirt and train book before we left. On the way home, we stopped at a fruit stand and got some water and strawberries – yum!
We had a fun dinner and used these weird plates that had 9 sections. We laughed about eating strawberries, raspberries and grapeberries!
I got to take a bath in this huge bathtub. It was almost like a swimming pool. I only had V read me two books before bed, because I was eager to sleep in my Cinderella bed. I turned off the light and put on my spa CD – all by myself – and climbed into bed. I guess I liked the bed, because I didn’t get up until 8:45 Saturday and 10:50 Sunday!
On Saturday, I helped make blueberry pancakes for breakfast and spent time coloring, painting and reading. I painted on these paint-by-number cards, but there were no numbers on them. V said that she bought them at K-Mart so it wasn’t surprising that they were not right. We went swimming at an outdoor pool, which was way cool. I could stand up on the big steps and did a bunch of bubbles with V. I even got to use a Nemo kickboard like the big kids. I was really tired that night and was ready to get into bed after just one story. Day two of camp was the bomb.

Because I got up so late on Sunday, we had brunch instead of breakfast. I helped make French Toast and had some more of those grapeberries! We went into V’s work for about 30 minutes because of some budget problem. I always like to go to her office because she has cool things to play with in her drawers. When we got back, I got to go golfing – putting that is - at Paradise Valley Golf course. I did really good. I watched three men who were putting, and I think that I could take them any day. After golfing, we went back to V’s and changed into our swimsuits. We walked a little bit to another club –this one had an indoor pool. I got to practice my swimming again and I’m doing pretty good. I’m getting more confident, and I think that I’m ready to make a breakthrough next time. Right now spinning on my tummy is my favorite thing, but that being thrown up in the air is pretty neat too.
When we got back to V’s, Au Bob was at the house. Hurrah, I always love to see Au Bob! We got to be like a marching band with a whole bunch of instruments. I liked to use the tambourine and beat it like a drum as we marched back and forth on the deck. Au Bob left and V and I had dinner. We decided to play band again and marched around the house before bed when I had an accident. I bumped my head on the counter, but because I’m a tough girl, I only cried for a little bit and V cleaned off my hair before my bath. We read some stories and off to sleep I went. I knew that the next day I was going back to school so I needed some good sleep.

Morning came before I knew it and I got ready for school. V and I sang some silly songs on the way to school.
Well, I’ll have to say that Camp Granma V was quite exciting, but as everyone always says, "it’s nice to get home." After all, I have these great parental types - Mommy and Daddy - that I really missed. But come December I’ll be ready for the winter session of Camp Granma V. Maybe I’ll learn how to ski!
When I was told by my parentals that I was going to go to attend Camp Granma V for three nights from July 18 – July 21, I had no idea what they were talking about. I was a bit worried about not being with them for three nights, but I figured that if it had the name “Granma” in it, it had to be okay.
I got up at the crack of dawn on Friday and found myself at Granma V’s house in Fairfield. This was okay. I knew about this place. But, boy was I surprised when I went into what used to be my playroom. It was now a Cinderella bedroom complete with a canopy bed, toy box, bench with pictures of all my favorite princesses on it, my playhouse and my own CD player. Camp Granma V – V for short - was off to a great start.
After V showed me around, I tested out my new bed – very cool because I could get in and out whenever I wanted! I learned how to work the CD player after V showed me just once. I seem to have a knack for those electronic types of things.
After reviewing the list of activities for the Camp, we were off for our first adventure – story time at the Fairfield library with a picnic lunch at Civic Center Park afterwards. It was fun listening to the stories and I even got to play with some toys afterwards. Before lunch, we fed the ducks at the pond. V insisted that we feed them from the bridge because they’re pretty big and tend to peck at little people. When I threw the bread in the water, the ducks came swimming over from everywhere. I was glad that we were on the bridge.
When the bread was all gone, we were ready to eat. I had carried our very own picnic basket that included a blue-checkered tablecloth and napkins. V told me that her mom – Nanny – always thought that cloth napkins made eating more fun. The PBJ sandwich, grapes and blueberries were yummy. I figured we’d go back to V’s after, but there was more! Off to Train Town in Sonoma we went. V suggested that I close my eyes and rest for a while in the car seat so that I could have fun when we got to the trains. Though I never think that I need to take a nap, I decided to give it a try, and when I finally woke up, we were parked in the shade at Train Town. V told me that I’d been sleeping over an hour. Wow, I guess this camp stuff can be exhausting.
Train Town was cool. I mostly liked to watch the bigger kids go on the rides, but V and I had a fun train trip and even got to feed some goats. I got a cool t-shirt and train book before we left. On the way home, we stopped at a fruit stand and got some water and strawberries – yum!
We had a fun dinner and used these weird plates that had 9 sections. We laughed about eating strawberries, raspberries and grapeberries!
I got to take a bath in this huge bathtub. It was almost like a swimming pool. I only had V read me two books before bed, because I was eager to sleep in my Cinderella bed. I turned off the light and put on my spa CD – all by myself – and climbed into bed. I guess I liked the bed, because I didn’t get up until 8:45 Saturday and 10:50 Sunday!
On Saturday, I helped make blueberry pancakes for breakfast and spent time coloring, painting and reading. I painted on these paint-by-number cards, but there were no numbers on them. V said that she bought them at K-Mart so it wasn’t surprising that they were not right. We went swimming at an outdoor pool, which was way cool. I could stand up on the big steps and did a bunch of bubbles with V. I even got to use a Nemo kickboard like the big kids. I was really tired that night and was ready to get into bed after just one story. Day two of camp was the bomb.
Because I got up so late on Sunday, we had brunch instead of breakfast. I helped make French Toast and had some more of those grapeberries! We went into V’s work for about 30 minutes because of some budget problem. I always like to go to her office because she has cool things to play with in her drawers. When we got back, I got to go golfing – putting that is - at Paradise Valley Golf course. I did really good. I watched three men who were putting, and I think that I could take them any day. After golfing, we went back to V’s and changed into our swimsuits. We walked a little bit to another club –this one had an indoor pool. I got to practice my swimming again and I’m doing pretty good. I’m getting more confident, and I think that I’m ready to make a breakthrough next time. Right now spinning on my tummy is my favorite thing, but that being thrown up in the air is pretty neat too.
When we got back to V’s, Au Bob was at the house. Hurrah, I always love to see Au Bob! We got to be like a marching band with a whole bunch of instruments. I liked to use the tambourine and beat it like a drum as we marched back and forth on the deck. Au Bob left and V and I had dinner. We decided to play band again and marched around the house before bed when I had an accident. I bumped my head on the counter, but because I’m a tough girl, I only cried for a little bit and V cleaned off my hair before my bath. We read some stories and off to sleep I went. I knew that the next day I was going back to school so I needed some good sleep.
Morning came before I knew it and I got ready for school. V and I sang some silly songs on the way to school.
Well, I’ll have to say that Camp Granma V was quite exciting, but as everyone always says, "it’s nice to get home." After all, I have these great parental types - Mommy and Daddy - that I really missed. But come December I’ll be ready for the winter session of Camp Granma V. Maybe I’ll learn how to ski!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
A full day of Mommy
Matt was in Stockton all day today at a basketball jamboree so Diana and I had the full day together. It was so nice because we haven't had time like this together since I started working at Copart. When I was a sports writer and had Tuesdays and Thursdays off, we would make a full day of our time together doing different activities and having a great time. Our Saturday started with an hour and a half of painting in the backyard. Gramma V got Diana an easel for Christmas and while she's put the thing to plenty of use indoors, we haven't taken it outside and used the tempura paints that came with it. That changed today.

Diana ended up painting 10 pictures for us. I have to find somewhere to hang them up. They are awesome. I love them!
We came inside and played Candy Land, we colored and then made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Diana helped me put the butter on the bread and rinsed her blueberries. We had lunch, played a little more and then she took a nap.
Gramma V came over and we all went swimming together. We were out there for an hour, it was great fun. It was a little breezy out which made it really perfect weather. by the time we got back home, it was dinner time. We made tortellini (Diana's fave), strawberries and garlic bread. We played a little more and then went to bed about an hour later.
It was such a fun day. I think we will rest a little tomorrow though. Unless I can come up with some more activities to do! :)
P.S. Diana helped Daddy water the flowers in the backyard on Friday night. She was very good! Here's the proof!

Diana ended up painting 10 pictures for us. I have to find somewhere to hang them up. They are awesome. I love them!
We came inside and played Candy Land, we colored and then made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Diana helped me put the butter on the bread and rinsed her blueberries. We had lunch, played a little more and then she took a nap.
Gramma V came over and we all went swimming together. We were out there for an hour, it was great fun. It was a little breezy out which made it really perfect weather. by the time we got back home, it was dinner time. We made tortellini (Diana's fave), strawberries and garlic bread. We played a little more and then went to bed about an hour later.
It was such a fun day. I think we will rest a little tomorrow though. Unless I can come up with some more activities to do! :)
P.S. Diana helped Daddy water the flowers in the backyard on Friday night. She was very good! Here's the proof!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Camp Gramma V
Diana spent three days last weekend with my mom at what she affectionately called "Camp Gramma V." I am hoping that it's the first of what will be an annual thing. Diana had a ton of fun swimming, playing marching band around my mom's house, cooking, doing dishes, cleaning and just playing, playing, playing.
After the first day when my mom took Diana to Train Town in Sonoma, attended Story Time at the Fairfield Library and fed the ducks at the community center, they decided to scale down the amount of activities and stayed inside the rest of the weekend. Diana actually fell asleep on the way TO Train Town on Friday afternoon which just goes to show you what a weekend with Gramma V is like.
I am going to have Gramma V do a guest blog when she gets back from her vacation and post some of the photos that she took. There are many other details that I would rather have her tell.
Stay tuned!
After the first day when my mom took Diana to Train Town in Sonoma, attended Story Time at the Fairfield Library and fed the ducks at the community center, they decided to scale down the amount of activities and stayed inside the rest of the weekend. Diana actually fell asleep on the way TO Train Town on Friday afternoon which just goes to show you what a weekend with Gramma V is like.
I am going to have Gramma V do a guest blog when she gets back from her vacation and post some of the photos that she took. There are many other details that I would rather have her tell.
Stay tuned!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Dirt, dirt and more dirt
We've learned that Diana loves preschool A. This is not a news flash. There are better toys, more learning, more structure, less chaos.
When her class plays outside during the day, they play on the other side of the school from the twos class that she used to be in. There is play structure like parks have and Diana just loves it. It's not the cleanest play structure in the world, but hey, what's a little dirt, right?
Today, when we went to pick her up from school, they had just come back inside from playing outside (I should preface this by saying that I put Diana in an all-white t-shirt this morning). Diana was playing with some other little kids and her back was to me when I walked in the class. When I finally got her attention, she ran over to me and I noticed that the front of her shirt, right down the middle was soaking wet and a little discolored. It looked like this:

My first thought was that she had thrown up. Then the teacher saw the look of panic on my face and immediately said that the kids were playing in the water fountain right before they came inside. I guess the dirt was from the play structure and the water just made a big old mess!
I gave Diana a bath tonight and for the first time, had to drain the tub while Diana was in it, rinse the dirt off and refill it. I essentially gave her two baths tonight...that's how dirty she was. The last couple nights that I have given her a bath, she's left a ring of dirt around the tub and actual dirt still in the tub when the water drained out. I knew she was dirty just by looking at her, but had NO IDEA that she was THAT dirty.
I've even had to scrub dirt that was stuck to her scalp. Gross.
I guess it's good that she's having fun at school. But I am literally scrubbing this girl from head to toe every night in her bath to get the dirt off. It's pretty nasty.
Despite all that, her bath tub is now one of the cleanest in the world. We deep clean that thing every night!
When her class plays outside during the day, they play on the other side of the school from the twos class that she used to be in. There is play structure like parks have and Diana just loves it. It's not the cleanest play structure in the world, but hey, what's a little dirt, right?
Today, when we went to pick her up from school, they had just come back inside from playing outside (I should preface this by saying that I put Diana in an all-white t-shirt this morning). Diana was playing with some other little kids and her back was to me when I walked in the class. When I finally got her attention, she ran over to me and I noticed that the front of her shirt, right down the middle was soaking wet and a little discolored. It looked like this:
My first thought was that she had thrown up. Then the teacher saw the look of panic on my face and immediately said that the kids were playing in the water fountain right before they came inside. I guess the dirt was from the play structure and the water just made a big old mess!
I gave Diana a bath tonight and for the first time, had to drain the tub while Diana was in it, rinse the dirt off and refill it. I essentially gave her two baths tonight...that's how dirty she was. The last couple nights that I have given her a bath, she's left a ring of dirt around the tub and actual dirt still in the tub when the water drained out. I knew she was dirty just by looking at her, but had NO IDEA that she was THAT dirty.
I've even had to scrub dirt that was stuck to her scalp. Gross.
I guess it's good that she's having fun at school. But I am literally scrubbing this girl from head to toe every night in her bath to get the dirt off. It's pretty nasty.
Despite all that, her bath tub is now one of the cleanest in the world. We deep clean that thing every night!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
New fun birthday pics
My blogger friend Amy posted photos of her 3-year-old daughter's birthday party from the weekend so I decided to get off my butt tonight and work on the photos that I took from the last couple parties we had for Diana and Matt's birthdays.
Click on my SmugMug link on the left side of the page over there and find the folder called "Borchert Birthday Parties."
It was a couple of fun birthdays and I hope you enjoy the photos!
Click on my SmugMug link on the left side of the page over there and find the folder called "Borchert Birthday Parties."
It was a couple of fun birthdays and I hope you enjoy the photos!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New Best Friends

Ryan and Megan arrived last Saturday for their yearly week-long visit. They come at the same time as basketball camp so Megan is showing off her camp skills this week while Ryan is helping Matt with all the logistal stuff.
Diana is really enjoying her cousins. She's ready to get outta bed in the morning and even asks "Where's Ryan and Megan?"
When she sees them as she's coming down the stairs in the morning, she gets that shy little smile on her face. She's so excited to start her day by seeing them.
On our way home from school, all she can talk about is getting home so that she can play with them. When we walk in the door, she doesn't even take the time to put down her art or take her shoes off. She runs into the house and heads over to play with them.
On Tuesday, Diana told me "Mommy, I took a nap today." I replied with "Diana, that's great. Now you'll have more energy to stay up and play with Megan tonight."
"And Ryan, Mommy," she said in a very matter-of-fact 3-year-old tone.
She plays with them in her playroom until we pull her away to get ready for bed. They play trains, they play with her basketball hoop, they play with her easel. And Diana laughs and laughs. She was so hysterical Monday night I thought she was going to get a cramp in her stomach from laughing so hard.
She pays no mind to Matt and me. But, honestly, we have so much fun watching her play with them that we really don't mind.
It's a trip to watch Diana play with teenagers. We don't get to see her interact with kids her own age at school so to watch her play with Ryan and Megan is a lot of fun.
Thanks, Bonnie and Tony, for letting us borrow your kids!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Like being in a foreign country
Celebrating the Fourth of July in Solano County meant driving somewhere to watch fireworks. For most of my childhood, that meant getting in the car and driving out to Walters Rd., parking near the Cloud Nine bar, eating licorice and watching the fireworks that the Air Base people put on. It was fun because I love licorice (both flavors, but the red ones were the ones we got).
You couldn't buy fireworks in Solano County because they were illegal so I never experienced all the dangers (and fun, I guess) of setting them off in your front yard.
On Friday, we went to Sacramento because my cousin got married. We left her house around 9:15 p.m., just as cities were beginning their own fireworks displays. My mom had patriotic music playing in her car so it made for a good background to what we would see along the way.
In my cousin's neighborhood, every other house had families in the driveways sitting in their lawn chairs as they set their own fireworks off in the middle of the street. In fact, my cousin's neighbors were setting them off and all the kids from my cousin's party set up blankets across the street on the lawn to watch. Diana was freaking out and so were my sister and I. That's not something we grew up with...why was it cool?
As we drove home, we continued to see fireworks go off all over the place. So strange, I told Matt. In Monterey County, where he grew up, fireworks weren't illegal so that was the norm. They did sparklers themselves on the Fourth. We didn't even do that.
The idea of setting off fireworks right in front of your house was a foreign concept to me. I knew that people did that, but I didn't realize HOW many people did it. I felt like I was in a foreign country...experiencing someone else's culture. You just didn't see that in Solano County growing up.
The cool thing was driving home on Interstate 80 and seeing fireworks go off up ahead in the cities approaching - Davis, Winters, Dixon, Woodland...We saw them all until about 9:45 p.m. and then they all kinda stopped at the same time.
That was an awesome way to celebrate the Fourth. It's kinda chaotic (and scary) to go down to Suisun City or downtown Vacaville on the Fourth with a little one. It's noisy, there's a lot of people, etc. So to watch fireworks from the car where she can still see them and appreciate them a little was pretty special. I don't know that we will make that trek on purpose every year, but it was fun this year!
You couldn't buy fireworks in Solano County because they were illegal so I never experienced all the dangers (and fun, I guess) of setting them off in your front yard.
On Friday, we went to Sacramento because my cousin got married. We left her house around 9:15 p.m., just as cities were beginning their own fireworks displays. My mom had patriotic music playing in her car so it made for a good background to what we would see along the way.
In my cousin's neighborhood, every other house had families in the driveways sitting in their lawn chairs as they set their own fireworks off in the middle of the street. In fact, my cousin's neighbors were setting them off and all the kids from my cousin's party set up blankets across the street on the lawn to watch. Diana was freaking out and so were my sister and I. That's not something we grew up with...why was it cool?
As we drove home, we continued to see fireworks go off all over the place. So strange, I told Matt. In Monterey County, where he grew up, fireworks weren't illegal so that was the norm. They did sparklers themselves on the Fourth. We didn't even do that.
The idea of setting off fireworks right in front of your house was a foreign concept to me. I knew that people did that, but I didn't realize HOW many people did it. I felt like I was in a foreign country...experiencing someone else's culture. You just didn't see that in Solano County growing up.
The cool thing was driving home on Interstate 80 and seeing fireworks go off up ahead in the cities approaching - Davis, Winters, Dixon, Woodland...We saw them all until about 9:45 p.m. and then they all kinda stopped at the same time.
That was an awesome way to celebrate the Fourth. It's kinda chaotic (and scary) to go down to Suisun City or downtown Vacaville on the Fourth with a little one. It's noisy, there's a lot of people, etc. So to watch fireworks from the car where she can still see them and appreciate them a little was pretty special. I don't know that we will make that trek on purpose every year, but it was fun this year!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Countdown to Oct. 26
I don't write much about myself on this blog. It's not that there isn't much going on in my life...I just think that Matt and Diana's lives are a lot more interesting.
But today, I decide to write about me and a goal that I have set. Actually, it's a goal that I set with my sister, Michelle.
We have decided to run a half marathon in October in Folsom. She ran it last year and though she looked like she wanted to die afterwards, said it was an awesome accomplishment. I agree with her. Having watched my crazy dad do the Ironman over and over and over again, I have to admit feeling a little admiration and curiousity for different competitions he did. I did the triathlon thing (three times) before getting preggers with Diana so I have fulfilled that curiousity. I did some 5Ks, a 10K and Bay to Breakers. I don't think I could ever train for a half marathon on my own though. I mean, I never thought of doing one before, at least.
But when my sister said she was going to do it again, I thought, why not? We did a 5K in Vacaville a while back and it was fun. We have very different running strategies so we hardly ran together but it will be fun to push each other for the next four months (albeit from several cities apart).
I have to run 3 miles, three days a week during July to get into long distance running shape. Then on Aug. 5 I start training for the big race. I downloaded a running trainer program from Hal Higdon's web site and it's pretty awesome. I highly recommend (well, wait, I will recommend after the race)...
I am pretty excited about it now, but we'll see where I stand at the end of this week. :)
But today, I decide to write about me and a goal that I have set. Actually, it's a goal that I set with my sister, Michelle.
We have decided to run a half marathon in October in Folsom. She ran it last year and though she looked like she wanted to die afterwards, said it was an awesome accomplishment. I agree with her. Having watched my crazy dad do the Ironman over and over and over again, I have to admit feeling a little admiration and curiousity for different competitions he did. I did the triathlon thing (three times) before getting preggers with Diana so I have fulfilled that curiousity. I did some 5Ks, a 10K and Bay to Breakers. I don't think I could ever train for a half marathon on my own though. I mean, I never thought of doing one before, at least.
But when my sister said she was going to do it again, I thought, why not? We did a 5K in Vacaville a while back and it was fun. We have very different running strategies so we hardly ran together but it will be fun to push each other for the next four months (albeit from several cities apart).
I have to run 3 miles, three days a week during July to get into long distance running shape. Then on Aug. 5 I start training for the big race. I downloaded a running trainer program from Hal Higdon's web site and it's pretty awesome. I highly recommend (well, wait, I will recommend after the race)...
I am pretty excited about it now, but we'll see where I stand at the end of this week. :)
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