When I was told by my parentals that I was going to go to attend Camp Granma V for three nights from July 18 – July 21, I had no idea what they were talking about. I was a bit worried about not being with them for three nights, but I figured that if it had the name “Granma” in it, it had to be okay.
I got up at the crack of dawn on Friday and found myself at Granma V’s house in Fairfield. This was okay. I knew about this place. But, boy was I surprised when I went into what used to be my playroom. It was now a Cinderella bedroom complete with a canopy bed, toy box, bench with pictures of all my favorite princesses on it, my playhouse and my own CD player. Camp Granma V – V for short - was off to a great start.
After V showed me around, I tested out my new bed – very cool because I could get in and out whenever I wanted! I learned how to work the CD player after V showed me just once. I seem to have a knack for those electronic types of things.
After reviewing the list of activities for the Camp, we were off for our first adventure – story time at the Fairfield library with a picnic lunch at Civic Center Park afterwards. It was fun listening to the stories and I even got to play with some toys afterwards. Before lunch, we fed the ducks at the pond. V insisted that we feed them from the bridge because they’re pretty big and tend to peck at little people. When I threw the bread in the water, the ducks came swimming over from everywhere. I was glad that we were on the bridge.
When the bread was all gone, we were ready to eat. I had carried our very own picnic basket that included a blue-checkered tablecloth and napkins. V told me that her mom – Nanny – always thought that cloth napkins made eating more fun. The PBJ sandwich, grapes and blueberries were yummy. I figured we’d go back to V’s after, but there was more! Off to Train Town in Sonoma we went. V suggested that I close my eyes and rest for a while in the car seat so that I could have fun when we got to the trains. Though I never think that I need to take a nap, I decided to give it a try, and when I finally woke up, we were parked in the shade at Train Town. V told me that I’d been sleeping over an hour. Wow, I guess this camp stuff can be exhausting.
Train Town was cool. I mostly liked to watch the bigger kids go on the rides, but V and I had a fun train trip and even got to feed some goats. I got a cool t-shirt and train book before we left. On the way home, we stopped at a fruit stand and got some water and strawberries – yum!
We had a fun dinner and used these weird plates that had 9 sections. We laughed about eating strawberries, raspberries and grapeberries!
I got to take a bath in this huge bathtub. It was almost like a swimming pool. I only had V read me two books before bed, because I was eager to sleep in my Cinderella bed. I turned off the light and put on my spa CD – all by myself – and climbed into bed. I guess I liked the bed, because I didn’t get up until 8:45 Saturday and 10:50 Sunday!
On Saturday, I helped make blueberry pancakes for breakfast and spent time coloring, painting and reading. I painted on these paint-by-number cards, but there were no numbers on them. V said that she bought them at K-Mart so it wasn’t surprising that they were not right. We went swimming at an outdoor pool, which was way cool. I could stand up on the big steps and did a bunch of bubbles with V. I even got to use a Nemo kickboard like the big kids. I was really tired that night and was ready to get into bed after just one story. Day two of camp was the bomb.
Because I got up so late on Sunday, we had brunch instead of breakfast. I helped make French Toast and had some more of those grapeberries! We went into V’s work for about 30 minutes because of some budget problem. I always like to go to her office because she has cool things to play with in her drawers. When we got back, I got to go golfing – putting that is - at Paradise Valley Golf course. I did really good. I watched three men who were putting, and I think that I could take them any day. After golfing, we went back to V’s and changed into our swimsuits. We walked a little bit to another club –this one had an indoor pool. I got to practice my swimming again and I’m doing pretty good. I’m getting more confident, and I think that I’m ready to make a breakthrough next time. Right now spinning on my tummy is my favorite thing, but that being thrown up in the air is pretty neat too.
When we got back to V’s, Au Bob was at the house. Hurrah, I always love to see Au Bob! We got to be like a marching band with a whole bunch of instruments. I liked to use the tambourine and beat it like a drum as we marched back and forth on the deck. Au Bob left and V and I had dinner. We decided to play band again and marched around the house before bed when I had an accident. I bumped my head on the counter, but because I’m a tough girl, I only cried for a little bit and V cleaned off my hair before my bath. We read some stories and off to sleep I went. I knew that the next day I was going back to school so I needed some good sleep.
Morning came before I knew it and I got ready for school. V and I sang some silly songs on the way to school.
Well, I’ll have to say that Camp Granma V was quite exciting, but as everyone always says, "it’s nice to get home." After all, I have these great parental types - Mommy and Daddy - that I really missed. But come December I’ll be ready for the winter session of Camp Granma V. Maybe I’ll learn how to ski!
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Too cute for words.
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