When her class plays outside during the day, they play on the other side of the school from the twos class that she used to be in. There is play structure like parks have and Diana just loves it. It's not the cleanest play structure in the world, but hey, what's a little dirt, right?
Today, when we went to pick her up from school, they had just come back inside from playing outside (I should preface this by saying that I put Diana in an all-white t-shirt this morning). Diana was playing with some other little kids and her back was to me when I walked in the class. When I finally got her attention, she ran over to me and I noticed that the front of her shirt, right down the middle was soaking wet and a little discolored. It looked like this:
My first thought was that she had thrown up. Then the teacher saw the look of panic on my face and immediately said that the kids were playing in the water fountain right before they came inside. I guess the dirt was from the play structure and the water just made a big old mess!
I gave Diana a bath tonight and for the first time, had to drain the tub while Diana was in it, rinse the dirt off and refill it. I essentially gave her two baths tonight...that's how dirty she was. The last couple nights that I have given her a bath, she's left a ring of dirt around the tub and actual dirt still in the tub when the water drained out. I knew she was dirty just by looking at her, but had NO IDEA that she was THAT dirty.
I've even had to scrub dirt that was stuck to her scalp. Gross.
I guess it's good that she's having fun at school. But I am literally scrubbing this girl from head to toe every night in her bath to get the dirt off. It's pretty nasty.
Despite all that, her bath tub is now one of the cleanest in the world. We deep clean that thing every night!
She takes after her Grandma V. Soon she will be making mud pies.
at least she is not eating the dirt. kids get into everything. :-)
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