I did it! I survived Black Friday and my Christmas shopping is done! Yes!
There were very few lines, except at Kohl's - my first stop. And since they were so organized, it wasn't that big of a deal and the line went super fast. When we left the store my mom asked, "Where next?" I said "Target, but I am a little scared to go there." We mapped out a plan and hit all my stores. Much to my surprise, I didn't have to wait in any lines anywhere else all day. I even went shopping today and the lines weren't that bad. I guess the economy is worse than I thought. Oh well. I took advantage of the deals. I only bought stuff that was on sale and that was on my list from hours of scouring through holiday ads. I must admit that I did have a huge adrenaline rush shopping on Friday. I don't get those too much anymore so I didn't really know how to react. It was tons of fun. What's going to be more fun is seeing Diana open presents on Christmas. She is fully informed about Santa Claus and while I shopped on Friday, she went around the store with Gramma V and made her list for Santa Claus. (Thanks, once again, to Gramma V who came to the rescue and allowed me to shop for my little one...and my big one).
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Multi-tasking at its finest
I hope Matt doesn't get tossed from any more games in his career because it's really hard to text him updates, watch the game and take pictures all at the same time. It'd be one thing if the game hadn't been so close tonight but it was a thriller so when I did remember that I was supposed to be texting him, it had to be really fast at a timeout or something.
The girls ended up losing 73-69, but gave a valiant effort. They never got down by more than 7 for most of the second half and it felt a lot closer than that. The game was tied 61-61 with 6:40 to go and Fresno then went on an 11-0 run to pull ahead with about 2:30 to go. I thought it was over for sure. I packed up my camera (which was running out of battery and no good to me anyway) and moved away from the baseline. I talked to a "fan" for the final minutes and watched as Solano cut it to four points with 38 seconds left. That was all they wrote though. Like I said, it was a great effort. We should've beat Fresno. Missed opportunities. We caught them on a bad night though because they must have missed 15 layups and they only shot about 10 threes. But it's another learning experience...you watch film and learn.
It was nice to have Gramma V, Au Bob and Uncle Chris at the game tonight! Chris was getting a kick out of the Fresno coach during the game...he's quite theatrical and had Chris in hysterics. :)
The girls ended up losing 73-69, but gave a valiant effort. They never got down by more than 7 for most of the second half and it felt a lot closer than that. The game was tied 61-61 with 6:40 to go and Fresno then went on an 11-0 run to pull ahead with about 2:30 to go. I thought it was over for sure. I packed up my camera (which was running out of battery and no good to me anyway) and moved away from the baseline. I talked to a "fan" for the final minutes and watched as Solano cut it to four points with 38 seconds left. That was all they wrote though. Like I said, it was a great effort. We should've beat Fresno. Missed opportunities. We caught them on a bad night though because they must have missed 15 layups and they only shot about 10 threes. But it's another learning experience...you watch film and learn.
It was nice to have Gramma V, Au Bob and Uncle Chris at the game tonight! Chris was getting a kick out of the Fresno coach during the game...he's quite theatrical and had Chris in hysterics. :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Our weekend...where to start
We had lots planned for this past weekend and while we got it all accomplished, there are stories to tell.
We woke up at 6:15 a.m. on Saturday morning as Matt and I were running a 5k in the Davis Turkey Trot. We slowly got Diana up but since Gramma V was coming over that morning we knew she could sleep in a little. They would later meet us at the race.
Matt and I did a great job in the race. We ran together the whole way and he provided me some much needed encouragement over the last 400 meters. It was a great day for running as there was plenty of fog to keep us cool. We kicked butt.
Matt had to jet outta there because he had a game later that night to prepare for.
Mom, Diana and I stayed around to cheer for my sister who was running in the 10K. We had fun walking around Davis, lingering around the farmer's market (I highly recommend it, it's every Saturday all year long, rain or shine), playing in the parks and just enjoying one another's company.
We made our way over to the finish line to cheer Au Bob on over the last home stretch and she did great!
Later on, Diana did the 200 meter kids run (no, I didn't bring my camera...Yes, I am lame). She ran with Gramma V and had so much fun. She truly loves to run. All day long yesterday she was bragging about how fast she ran in her race and had to show us by running around the house. When I can, I will take a photo of her with her number and her finisher's ribbon. I hope she loves running for a long time. We may be on to something here!
After a quick bite to eat and a nap, Gramma V was back at the house to watch Diana for the rest of the night as I headed up to Santa Rosa to cheer on Solano in their fourth game of the season. Very long story short: We lost, Matt got ejected because he got two technicals. First time ever! That's OK...he's learned a lot from it. But, he can't coach in the game on Tuesday night so that kinda sucks.
Anyway, it was a good weekend.
We are all very excited about a short week this week (Diana and Matt have two days of work, I have two and a Half (hopefully)).
We woke up at 6:15 a.m. on Saturday morning as Matt and I were running a 5k in the Davis Turkey Trot. We slowly got Diana up but since Gramma V was coming over that morning we knew she could sleep in a little. They would later meet us at the race.
Matt and I did a great job in the race. We ran together the whole way and he provided me some much needed encouragement over the last 400 meters. It was a great day for running as there was plenty of fog to keep us cool. We kicked butt.
Matt had to jet outta there because he had a game later that night to prepare for.
Mom, Diana and I stayed around to cheer for my sister who was running in the 10K. We had fun walking around Davis, lingering around the farmer's market (I highly recommend it, it's every Saturday all year long, rain or shine), playing in the parks and just enjoying one another's company.
We made our way over to the finish line to cheer Au Bob on over the last home stretch and she did great!
Later on, Diana did the 200 meter kids run (no, I didn't bring my camera...Yes, I am lame). She ran with Gramma V and had so much fun. She truly loves to run. All day long yesterday she was bragging about how fast she ran in her race and had to show us by running around the house. When I can, I will take a photo of her with her number and her finisher's ribbon. I hope she loves running for a long time. We may be on to something here!
After a quick bite to eat and a nap, Gramma V was back at the house to watch Diana for the rest of the night as I headed up to Santa Rosa to cheer on Solano in their fourth game of the season. Very long story short: We lost, Matt got ejected because he got two technicals. First time ever! That's OK...he's learned a lot from it. But, he can't coach in the game on Tuesday night so that kinda sucks.
Anyway, it was a good weekend.
We are all very excited about a short week this week (Diana and Matt have two days of work, I have two and a Half (hopefully)).
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Six more months until we have to go back

It's not like everyone looks forward to going to the dentist. There's the scraping, the possible drilling, the smell of the place, the anticipation of wondering if the dentist is going to tell you if you have any cavities.
I have taken really good care of my teeth over the last seven years so I haven't had any cavities in that time. I actually like going to the dentist. (sick, I know). We recently changed dentists here in town - to one that is a little more family friendly and he's right around the corner from our house. We could walk there if we wanted to.
Diana went with me to my first cleaning a couple weeks ago and watched from a chair. She had no clue what was going on, she just sat there and checked it all out. She was a little more familiar with the place when we went this week and didn't hesitate to walk back to the chair where she would be examined. Once we got back there though, that was it.
Usually if Diana doesn't want to do something, she will tell me in a low voice, "Mommy, I'm all done" or "Mommy, I don't want to."
This was a VERY vocal "MOMMY, I'M ALL DONE!" And this was before anything had even happened. The hygienst had barely introduced herself to us.
She tried to show Diana the awesome stuffed animals with teeth but she wasn't having it. She sprayed water on the carpet from one of her many tools (OK, D laughed at that, but that was about all). It wasn't a pretty sight. We ended up giving up on the whole teeth cleaning thing, but we did have to hold her down a little so the dentist could look at her teeth. She got over it. I wasn't happy though when the hygienist gave her two..no, three...Disney Princess stickers and a Halloween toothbrush to match her Halloween socks.
Hopefully in six months, when she's four, she will be a little more understanding that this is what we all have to do - the dentist rocks!
P.S. She had no cavities, by the way...obviously.
Funny Diana Quote of the Week: As I was putting my running clothes on tonight, I was very excited to sport my new Solano women's basketball sleeveless t-shirt. I have plenty of SCC women's basketball shirts, but this one CAME sleeveless. This isn't me cutting off sleeves. I put it on and Diana says "Mommy, that's a basketball shirt. You can't wear a basketball shirt to run in. You have to wear a running shirt."
I said "No, hun, this is a running shirt. I always wear shirts like this to run in."
She replies "No, Mommy. That's a basketball shirt. It has a basketball on it. You have to get one with runners on it."
I found a shirt that Matt got when he ran his 10K a while back and put it on...all was right in the world.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Opening Weekend

Basketball season has officially begun. Unfortunately, Matt's team lost their opener on Friday night though they played really well (I had to give some feedback so Matt made me watch film on Saturday morning before he left for the gym). I was very impressed with the team's hustle and heart. They played really hard and seemed to just be really nervous.
We won tonight...We beat Siskiyous who we lost to twice last year, including a playoff game. It was an AWESOME game. We got down big early but the girls fought back hard and showed lots of fight. They are so much fun to watch. Matt has some players on his team that are really flashy and dazzled the crowd. Oh, the crowd. Well, Matt's team was the first to play a game in the renovated gym so there was a couple hundred people at the game. It was so much fun! They were really into it and cheered the girls and booed the refs.
The starters threw t-shirts into the crowd during pre-game warmups, then Au Bob and I threw more into the crowd later in the second half (I am such a good wife).
I am putting a picture on here from after the game (If you want to see photos from the game, you can check my SmugMug site later in the week).
As is tradition for the past two years, Diana and Gramma V practiced their shooting afterwards. Diana also practiced with Au Bob and me for a little bit. She has everyone fooled because everyone was calling her a "baller." I just looked at them crazy because she NEVER shoots baskets at home when Matt or I try to play basketball with her.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Funny Little Diana
Diana is almost 3 1/2 and she's quite the little chatter box. Her vocabulary is growing and she says some things sometimes that make us absolutely crack up. Here's sampling. If I think of more in the next couple days, I will add them:
I was explaining to Diana one day about scouting and how Matt goes to watch his opponents play against other teams. He writes down their plays, sees what defenses they run, etc. I told her one night that he was in Sacramento scouting. She said "Mommy, only Au Bob and Uncle Chris can live in Sacramento!"
One morning Diana and I got ready for our day before Matt and we started to make our way downstairs to make breakfast. Diana yelled back "Daddy, we'll meet you downstairs!"
The other day, we were driving home from preschool and John Mayer's "Say" came on the radio. All of a sudden, I hear a little voice coming from the back of the car singing right along with the radio. Diana was singing the chorus right on with the radio. I couldn't believe it. She says "Mommy, sing with me!" I wanted to sing with her, but I wanted to hear her too. Such a dilemma!
I was explaining to Diana one day about scouting and how Matt goes to watch his opponents play against other teams. He writes down their plays, sees what defenses they run, etc. I told her one night that he was in Sacramento scouting. She said "Mommy, only Au Bob and Uncle Chris can live in Sacramento!"
One morning Diana and I got ready for our day before Matt and we started to make our way downstairs to make breakfast. Diana yelled back "Daddy, we'll meet you downstairs!"
The other day, we were driving home from preschool and John Mayer's "Say" came on the radio. All of a sudden, I hear a little voice coming from the back of the car singing right along with the radio. Diana was singing the chorus right on with the radio. I couldn't believe it. She says "Mommy, sing with me!" I wanted to sing with her, but I wanted to hear her too. Such a dilemma!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
My mullet baby
I don't have any pictures to show yet because I am still trying to figure out if I can get the right angle on her hair for you to be able to tell but Diana got a hair cut the other day.
This wasn't the kind we paid for. Some little girl decided that she wanted to get a head start on her cosmetology career by practicing on my daughter. I got a call mid-morning from KinderCare on Monday saying that the teacher turned her back for one second and when she turned around, one of the little girls was cutting Diana's hair. They were cutting magazines with the scissors and the girl decided that magazines = boring and hair = fun!
The school is taking action against the teacher because she wasn't paying close enough attention to the class...ya think? When I went to pick up Diana after school that day, the director of the school was extremely apologetic. I understand these things happen. What kid hasn't either cut their own hair with scissors or cut someone else's hair? But when you look at the area where Diana's hair was (for lack of a better word) slaughtered, she looks like she has a mullet. It's kinda funny. I can't do much with it because the girl cut a good chuck of it off. I don't know that my hair lady would be able to do much either and she's a miracle worker.
So, the last couple days, I have just been playing with the area where there used to be long golden locks. It's just short now...waiting to grow back. My poor lopsided child.
Of course, it was no big deal to Diana. She did tell me the name of the girl who cut her hair and the teacher who was in the class at the time not supervising.
Today, when I went to pick up Diana, one of the girls who I see every day said to me "I apologized to Diana." I didn't know what she was talking about because I never knew her name. I said "Oh, you must be ..." She got kind of embarassed and said "Yes." I said "It's OK, accidents happen." I was way too nice. All this time, I thought that girl was like 5 or 6 and just in the class in the mornings before they took her to her school. She looks WAY old! It really surprised me that she was the one who cut D's hair. I might have to go back to the director and ask more questions. If this girl is older, there's no way she should be in a class with 3 and 4 year olds. Just more drama at K'Care!
This wasn't the kind we paid for. Some little girl decided that she wanted to get a head start on her cosmetology career by practicing on my daughter. I got a call mid-morning from KinderCare on Monday saying that the teacher turned her back for one second and when she turned around, one of the little girls was cutting Diana's hair. They were cutting magazines with the scissors and the girl decided that magazines = boring and hair = fun!
The school is taking action against the teacher because she wasn't paying close enough attention to the class...ya think? When I went to pick up Diana after school that day, the director of the school was extremely apologetic. I understand these things happen. What kid hasn't either cut their own hair with scissors or cut someone else's hair? But when you look at the area where Diana's hair was (for lack of a better word) slaughtered, she looks like she has a mullet. It's kinda funny. I can't do much with it because the girl cut a good chuck of it off. I don't know that my hair lady would be able to do much either and she's a miracle worker.
So, the last couple days, I have just been playing with the area where there used to be long golden locks. It's just short now...waiting to grow back. My poor lopsided child.
Of course, it was no big deal to Diana. She did tell me the name of the girl who cut her hair and the teacher who was in the class at the time not supervising.
Today, when I went to pick up Diana, one of the girls who I see every day said to me "I apologized to Diana." I didn't know what she was talking about because I never knew her name. I said "Oh, you must be ..." She got kind of embarassed and said "Yes." I said "It's OK, accidents happen." I was way too nice. All this time, I thought that girl was like 5 or 6 and just in the class in the mornings before they took her to her school. She looks WAY old! It really surprised me that she was the one who cut D's hair. I might have to go back to the director and ask more questions. If this girl is older, there's no way she should be in a class with 3 and 4 year olds. Just more drama at K'Care!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Patience really is a virtue
The only thing I remember about being 3 years old is my sister being born. I don't remember anything else. But I can only imagine that it wasn't all fun times.
I love my Diana - more than anything. I love her laugh, I love her smile. I love that she talks my ear off whenever we are in the same room or in the car together. I love that out of the blue, she calls me "Maimey" sometimes...I don't know why, but it's cute, so I let her do it.
I love that before she gets out of her bath at night, she takes one of her little people (her fishies, her little guy she calls Diego, or her Flounder squirt toy), puts one of them in a cup with water, covers them up with a wash cloth and says good night to them. And that in the morning, when she goes to the bathroom, she says good morning to them.
I love that when she gets tired at night and has some M&Ms for a special treat, she is absolutely bonkers and so funny. I love that she talks to herself in bed at night for 90 minutes before she finally falls asleep.
I love that she is so sweet and innocent one minute and the next minute she's wreaking havoc on my nerves.
It all comes with the territory. I can let it get to me, or I can have patience and just remember that the good times we have together far outweigh the trying times.
Diana is super independent. My mom says "This is what you wanted..." And she's right (aren't all our moms right?). This is what I wanted when I was pregnant with her. Diana doesn't understand how we can give her all this love and all these physical things like toys and books, etc. and still have to say no to some things and set limits.
It's hard on all of us.
The word I keep telling myself is patience. As long as I have patience with her and every situation, we do OK. We were patient when she waited a while to talk, when she waited a while to walk and when she waited a while to go pee pee in the toilet and we will be patient with every other situation that comes up in her life for the rest of time.
She's worth it!
I love my Diana - more than anything. I love her laugh, I love her smile. I love that she talks my ear off whenever we are in the same room or in the car together. I love that out of the blue, she calls me "Maimey" sometimes...I don't know why, but it's cute, so I let her do it.
I love that before she gets out of her bath at night, she takes one of her little people (her fishies, her little guy she calls Diego, or her Flounder squirt toy), puts one of them in a cup with water, covers them up with a wash cloth and says good night to them. And that in the morning, when she goes to the bathroom, she says good morning to them.
I love that when she gets tired at night and has some M&Ms for a special treat, she is absolutely bonkers and so funny. I love that she talks to herself in bed at night for 90 minutes before she finally falls asleep.
I love that she is so sweet and innocent one minute and the next minute she's wreaking havoc on my nerves.
It all comes with the territory. I can let it get to me, or I can have patience and just remember that the good times we have together far outweigh the trying times.
Diana is super independent. My mom says "This is what you wanted..." And she's right (aren't all our moms right?). This is what I wanted when I was pregnant with her. Diana doesn't understand how we can give her all this love and all these physical things like toys and books, etc. and still have to say no to some things and set limits.
It's hard on all of us.
The word I keep telling myself is patience. As long as I have patience with her and every situation, we do OK. We were patient when she waited a while to talk, when she waited a while to walk and when she waited a while to go pee pee in the toilet and we will be patient with every other situation that comes up in her life for the rest of time.
She's worth it!
Saturday, November 01, 2008

As Diana gets older, Halloween gets more fun. I am sure that when she hits 9, 10 and 11 and we try and talk her out of trick or treating, she's not going to be a happy camper. But as a 3 year old, it's all fun.
She doesn't eat candy, never really has except the occasional M&M for a reward, so she had no idea that she could actually eat the candy she got from total strangers when we got home. After every house she went up to, she came back to me in the street and said, "Mommy, I got MORE candy! This time it was brown."
Our neighborhood kinda sucks because there were only about 15 houses that were actually open to having kids come up. Some people left their porch lights on, but weren't answering the door. Who does that? That's just cruel.
I compared our neighborhood last night to the bad 1985 in Back to the Future II except without the war-zone feeling. You know? It was dark and dreary and empty. There were only about 15 kids out in the street trick or treating and it just didn't feel festive at all. But we had fun nonetheless.
It was especially fun because I was dressed as Snow White and Matt was Spider-Man. And if you think that I am putting any photos of either of us dressed up, you are sorely mistaken. We both looked awesome, but this IS the internet, people!
Just keep in mind that I am now a size 10 and looked super hot as Snow White and Matt had the full on Spidey outfit with hood and covers for his sneaks. We rocked and Diana thought it was super awesome!
UPDATE: I am giving in. My husband might either a)kill me; b) divorce me for posting this photo of him, but isn't it the cutest ever?

This is all you get of me though:

I put photos on my SmugMug from our trip to Cool Patch Pumpkins (sorry for the delay) so check those out. I am really happy with them.
Two more weeks until basketball season starts. Matt's media guide is off to the printer and should be back to us on Friday. I am really excited about it this year. It's going to be really nice!
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