As Diana gets older, Halloween gets more fun. I am sure that when she hits 9, 10 and 11 and we try and talk her out of trick or treating, she's not going to be a happy camper. But as a 3 year old, it's all fun.
She doesn't eat candy, never really has except the occasional M&M for a reward, so she had no idea that she could actually eat the candy she got from total strangers when we got home. After every house she went up to, she came back to me in the street and said, "Mommy, I got MORE candy! This time it was brown."
Our neighborhood kinda sucks because there were only about 15 houses that were actually open to having kids come up. Some people left their porch lights on, but weren't answering the door. Who does that? That's just cruel.
I compared our neighborhood last night to the bad 1985 in Back to the Future II except without the war-zone feeling. You know? It was dark and dreary and empty. There were only about 15 kids out in the street trick or treating and it just didn't feel festive at all. But we had fun nonetheless.
It was especially fun because I was dressed as Snow White and Matt was Spider-Man. And if you think that I am putting any photos of either of us dressed up, you are sorely mistaken. We both looked awesome, but this IS the internet, people!
Just keep in mind that I am now a size 10 and looked super hot as Snow White and Matt had the full on Spidey outfit with hood and covers for his sneaks. We rocked and Diana thought it was super awesome!
UPDATE: I am giving in. My husband might either a)kill me; b) divorce me for posting this photo of him, but isn't it the cutest ever?

This is all you get of me though:

I put photos on my SmugMug from our trip to Cool Patch Pumpkins (sorry for the delay) so check those out. I am really happy with them.
Two more weeks until basketball season starts. Matt's media guide is off to the printer and should be back to us on Friday. I am really excited about it this year. It's going to be really nice!
Do I have permission to put pictures up? You guys looked so great!
Whatever dude. I posted those pictures. You guys should be proud of yourself for being such AWESOME parents to dress up and trick or treat with your princess.
aww u guys looked great!
I didn't get any trick or treates. non at all. :(
want some candy?
You look great!
i am SO dressing up next year!
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