It's not like everyone looks forward to going to the dentist. There's the scraping, the possible drilling, the smell of the place, the anticipation of wondering if the dentist is going to tell you if you have any cavities.
I have taken really good care of my teeth over the last seven years so I haven't had any cavities in that time. I actually like going to the dentist. (sick, I know). We recently changed dentists here in town - to one that is a little more family friendly and he's right around the corner from our house. We could walk there if we wanted to.
Diana went with me to my first cleaning a couple weeks ago and watched from a chair. She had no clue what was going on, she just sat there and checked it all out. She was a little more familiar with the place when we went this week and didn't hesitate to walk back to the chair where she would be examined. Once we got back there though, that was it.
Usually if Diana doesn't want to do something, she will tell me in a low voice, "Mommy, I'm all done" or "Mommy, I don't want to."
This was a VERY vocal "MOMMY, I'M ALL DONE!" And this was before anything had even happened. The hygienst had barely introduced herself to us.
She tried to show Diana the awesome stuffed animals with teeth but she wasn't having it. She sprayed water on the carpet from one of her many tools (OK, D laughed at that, but that was about all). It wasn't a pretty sight. We ended up giving up on the whole teeth cleaning thing, but we did have to hold her down a little so the dentist could look at her teeth. She got over it. I wasn't happy though when the hygienist gave her two..no, three...Disney Princess stickers and a Halloween toothbrush to match her Halloween socks.
Hopefully in six months, when she's four, she will be a little more understanding that this is what we all have to do - the dentist rocks!
P.S. She had no cavities, by the way...obviously.
Funny Diana Quote of the Week: As I was putting my running clothes on tonight, I was very excited to sport my new Solano women's basketball sleeveless t-shirt. I have plenty of SCC women's basketball shirts, but this one CAME sleeveless. This isn't me cutting off sleeves. I put it on and Diana says "Mommy, that's a basketball shirt. You can't wear a basketball shirt to run in. You have to wear a running shirt."
I said "No, hun, this is a running shirt. I always wear shirts like this to run in."
She replies "No, Mommy. That's a basketball shirt. It has a basketball on it. You have to get one with runners on it."
I found a shirt that Matt got when he ran his 10K a while back and put it on...all was right in the world.
wait till she starts talking back as a teen... too cute
She looks so upset in that picture. Tell her Au Bob doesn't like the dentist either but it makes it easier to smile and laugh if you let the dentist clean your teeth! I love the Diana-isms. She is so smart.
I don't mind the dentist either anymore - my hygienist is GREAT! Isabella has been twice and is actually going again next week, I think. Thanks for reminding me. She hasn't had a cleaning yet, just check-ups and HATES it. I think it's mostly the latex rubber gloves. They are pretty creepy.
Diana looks so upset in that pic...she's looking at you and wondering why you look so happy. :)
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