Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm done

I know I have said it about 15 times in the last two weeks, but I am done Christmas shopping. I may not have something wonderful for everyone, but I don't want to go out into retail hell anymore.
It's raining here today and I had to park clear across the parking lot at Target because Diana HAD TO HAVE these Mickey Mouse wipees that Gramma V had at her house. I know what you are saying..."Why didn't you just tell her that Santa will bring them?" I have been doing that for months now and I honestly don't know why I didn't do that. I must have lost my mind...the rain must have leaked into my brain and caused massive flooding. And then, once inside Target, I walk around like a zombie because it's just a giant sale all over that store. Every ornament is discounted, every decoration is discounted, every freakin' toothbrush is discounted.

I'm done.


Debbie said...

You are so brave...Target on a Sunday close to the holiday & in the rain & cold. Good times! :)

Orshi said...

you go girl! i still have a few left to get

"V" said...

So did you get them?????? Should have taken mine!

Michelle MGD said...

I love how mom comments on our blogs. It makes me laugh and smile. And I like how her name is "V"

Lisa said...

Thanks! I haven't quite figured out this thing yet, but my sister informed me that she couldn't comment too. All fixed! I love reading about what everyone is up to so I thought I should join in. I will add you too.

I need to start christmas shopping. I plan to this weekend. Gonna be busy I think. Yeppie for you being done!

Alison Parker said...

i'm not done yet. i momentarily forgot that i wasn't finished. thanks for reminding me! it's been rainy here too. i heart target.