Matt and I felt really bad on Tuesday night when the entire family came over to celebrate Gramma V's birthday and I put Amy down to play so I could eat. I sat her down in the living room on her behind and she sat up and played.
"Amy! When did you start sitting up?" Au Bob asked.
Oh, oops, I thought. "Did I not mention that she was sitting up?" I said.
The family didn't even hear me, they were so excited about Amy's new trick.
Yes, Amy is sitting up. News flash! Stop the presses!
In the last couple weeks, she has been sitting up really well and also goes from tummy time to sitting up and from sitting up to tummy time. She's also got a little Army crawl going on. She's all over the place. It's so fun. I know that this might not be a huge step for most nine month olds, but since Amy was a preemie, I am fascinated by everything she does. She's getting so big and doing such great things. She's also sleeping on her tummy at night (no more swaddling) which means that Mommy and Daddy are sleeping better and are finally getting to talk to one another at night uninterrupted.
These are all tricks that I am super excited to talk to her physical therapist about in another week and a half.
Amy also sprouted a tooth and the second one is on its way. It's funny to see her with teeth. I am going to have to change car seats in my car for her soon because the Peg Perego that I have is way too narrow. I am going to have to bust out that big ole car seat for the back of the car....you know, the one that I can't remove when I have to run into the grocery store real quick? Sucks, but it's all good.
I love a growing baby!
It was so awesome seeing Amy sitting up. Was it only 9.5 months ago that she was so little?! She is growing so fast!
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