I found this cake online a while back and thought that I would give it a try. I figured it couldn't be that hard. I wanted to make Diana's 5th birthday cake instead of buying it at the store. Matt, and several people at work, just raised their eyebrows and expressed some concern. I had never played with fondant before and didn't find anyone at work that could give me any advice. I found some hints on the Wilton website that got my confidence going a little and when I made a trip to the cake-baking store to get my supplies last weekend with my sister, well, I was ready to go. It really wasn't as hard as it looks. The biggest obstacle to overcome was patience which I have a ton of in the kitchen. It's the only thing I have going for me. I follow recipes by the book and work slowly. That's what I did on this cake. It took forever. I baked the cakes Saturday night, left them out to cool and worked on the cake for 3 1/2 hours on Sunday morning.
Voila...The finished creation.

I learned a lot so that when I prepare the actual cake for Diana's birthday next month, I don't think it will take me that long and I think I will have the kinks worked out.
I brought the cake to work and everyone loved it - even though it was lookin' real ghetto because it was drying out.
(Praise and congratulations are always welcome!)
That is a great looking cake sister! Good job for trying something new! I can't wait to see the official birthday cake next month!
Cute cake Ang, nice work. I have given up on making my own cakes....haha.
WOW!!!! I am SO impressed! :) It looks great!
You see, Bush Sr., & Jr., Clinton, Regan, Carter, Obama, Ford...ALL these presidents are in what is dubbed a SECRET SOCIETY called The Moloch Axis Demoniacs (i coined the phrase myself...Dr. A.P. and i don't use my full name because WHO knows WHAT sinister crap they'd do to me IF they found out?) or M.A.D. for short.
These people, and there’s obviously more of them (Cheney, Rumsfeld etc.) than the ones mentioned, control KEY positions not just in government, business, society etc. They are GRADUALLY erroding MORAL/FAMILY VALUES in society. SO gradual that it's like hairloss! You see it ever so slowly and you have to be a keen eye to boot!
For example, women in the workforce...they go to work so WHO takes care of the kids? Some goofs getting minimum wage who could care less about those kids. Family split apart because NOW both parents work and the cost of life itself purposely increased to perpetuate this separation. Kids grow up with NO moral/family values. Repeat this a few generations and before you know it, you have mindless zombies that don't know RIGHT from WRONG! Easily programmable to get in debt, be anti-christ-like etc.
Also, the coming mark of the beast 666. Remember HOW it all used to be ca$h only? Then they introduced checks, then credit cards to get yourself in serious financial troubles, then ATM cards, and now that STUPID SWIPE-PASS card. What is the purpose of all this? To get people broken down enough and stupid enough through putting FLUORIDE in the drinking water and ASPERTAME in soda drinks/pop cans so we ALL can accept the 666 chip. So NOBODY can buy or sell or own ANYTHING lest he has the mark of the beast (anti-christ) which is 666.
I can go on for days & days as to the subtleties and more examples but i think you all SEE the points i make here. It's all SUBTLE and GRADUAL negative changes day in & day out that these M.A.D. demons (because they are demonic and have placed their trust in demons in exchange for their souls and material possessions here on earth) are passing into laws in Canada, USA, UK, SPAIN, FRANCE etc.
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