Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The best sticker ever

I try to be a good role model. As a mom of two girls, I feel that my role is very important in their lives. Diana and Amy see and hear everything that I do so I make sure to eat right, exercise, have a clean mouth (lol), practice what I preach and generally make good decisions.
I think I do a pretty good job of doing all those things. Sure, sometimes I slip up. But trust me, Diana is right there to catch me when I do.
The last few elections Diana has come with me to vote. Even when she was a baby and a toddler and had no idea what was going on, I still thought it was important for her to go. She went with me yesterday when I voted in the primary election. She asked me questions in the morning during breakfast while I was reading my booklet about the candidates. I tried to answer the best I could. She asked me questions on the way to the precinct. But once we got to the polling place, she knew that it was silence. I barely had to remind her. She did a great job. I showed her my ballot and how I made my choices. She asked why I was standing in the booth and I explained privacy to her...just like a bathroom!
As we were leaving, I made sure to pick up my "I voted" sticker and the volunteer said that I could take one for Diana. I said thank you (I had planned to take one anyway) and we headed out. Diana proudly wore her sticker as we drove to school.
When we got there, she stuck it on her cubbie right alongside the stickers she gets for her math class.
I was so glad that she had some pride in her sticker and hope that she realizes the importance of her right to vote.


Michelle MGD said...

A civics lesson at such a young age. Good job sister!!!

"V" said...

Not just good, but great job!

"V" said...

Not just good, but great job!

A said...


A said...
