Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I don't believe in saying Merry Christmas to people I don't know well so on my e-mail signature at work, it says Happy Holidays. I don't want to offend anyone and I don't want to hear "Oh, I don't celebrate Christmas because of my religion." But on my blog, I can do whatever I want. And I don't think there is anyone who reads this who doesn't celebrate Christmas.
Here are a few pictures leading up to a Very Borchert Christmas...Enjoy and Happy Holidays! :)
Diana helped Matt make gingerbread men...

Then helped him finish off the leftover dough when there wasn't enough to make a complete gingerbread man...

Matt made plenty of goodies for the holidays. Yes, those are Oreo Balls. All good, all the time. Want the recipe? E-mail me.

Uncle Chris and Au Bob helped decorate cookies. If you read Michelle's blog, you saw that she called it "slave labor"...that was not the case at all.

And finally, there's the annual trip to Candy Cane Lane to see all the awesome lights!

The holidays are off to a great start!

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's worth getting off work later

I took Diana to school the last couple mornings because Matt has practice at 9 a.m. It sucks to have to get off work at 5 p.m. because I don't get into work until 7:45 or 8, but when things like this happen, it's all worth it.
This was a conversation Diana and I had this morning in the car on the way to preschool:

Diana: Mommy, what song is this?
Mommy: This is Jingle Bell Rock
(Silence as Diana is thinking. Even though I can't really see her in the back seat, I can hear her thinking. Must be a Mommy thing.)
Diana: No, Mommy, this is Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.
Mommy: Oh...(Total shock, embarrassment and a little more shock hits me) I guess you're right. It is Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. I get those two mixed up.

Do you think we've listened to enough Christmas music lately? My 3 1/2 year old knows the songs!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm done

I know I have said it about 15 times in the last two weeks, but I am done Christmas shopping. I may not have something wonderful for everyone, but I don't want to go out into retail hell anymore.
It's raining here today and I had to park clear across the parking lot at Target because Diana HAD TO HAVE these Mickey Mouse wipees that Gramma V had at her house. I know what you are saying..."Why didn't you just tell her that Santa will bring them?" I have been doing that for months now and I honestly don't know why I didn't do that. I must have lost my mind...the rain must have leaked into my brain and caused massive flooding. And then, once inside Target, I walk around like a zombie because it's just a giant sale all over that store. Every ornament is discounted, every decoration is discounted, every freakin' toothbrush is discounted.

I'm done.

Monday, December 08, 2008

When Daddy is away, the girls will play

Since Matt was out of town at a tournament last Thursday and Friday, Diana and I invited Gramma V over to the house for a girls night in. Diana and Gramma V cooked English Muffin Pizzas and then it was time for some art!
I got this idea from Alison over at Parallel Parking. Diana does a lot of handprint art at school and I thought this was a great idea to get some holiday decore around the house for relatively inexpensive. I went to Target earlier in the day to buy the supplies and I had plenty of extras around the house in my scrapbooking room. Diana had a great time "decorating" her tree once she got aggressive with the glitter shakers.

Once we got done with our reindeer, santa and tree handprint arts, Diana wanted to be one with the finger paints...who am I to say no?

It was a great night with Gramma V, Mommy and the kitchen floor. (Don't worry, Daddy, we cleaned up really good!)

Matt came back on Saturday afternoon and we had a restful day around the house. On Sunday morning, we left for Silveyville in Dixon to get our tree. These photos were taken of Diana before she threw the ultimate tantrum. Diana "rode" one of the reindeer, we all went for a sleigh ride with Santa and picked out a great tree.

Diana still talks about the sleigh ride and how "when we went to pick up our tree, we went on a sleigh ride, Mommy!"
Before we left for Silveyville, Diana made sure to tell us that she wanted a little tree. So glad we didn't have to break it to her that we were only getting one tree for the house. We did want to take her photo next to one of the many small trees cute!

And finally, we got to decorating tonight. Diana did a great job. She especially looked forward to putting on the "red bubblegum" decoration that Gramma V bought her at Kohl's on Black Friday. I was really proud of her for not getting frustrated when her decorations kept falling off the tree. She stuck with it and kept trying. After just a few decorations, she got the hang of it and not one fell off.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Is there a reason for everything?

I go back and forth with this question. For instance, I truly believe that God brought Matt and I back together less than a year after we went on a blind date...which led to us eventually beginning to date and eventually getting married. BUT...I believe that things happen for a reason as well. For instance, I believe that things didn't work out at my job in Spokane, Washington, after college because I was meant to be back in California and start my post-college life here.
For whatever reason, someone came back into my life tonight and the timing couldn't have been more poetic. On Friday at Kohl's while shopping, I saw one of good friend's mom's, Denny. My mom has somewhat kept in touch with her over the past few years. They would see each other around town or at different city functions. Tonight, at Merriment on Main in Vacaville (where there are 16,000 people in attendance) I ran into Denny again with her grand daughters. How weird, I thought. She told me that her daughter, Jesse, was just across the way. I haven't talked to Jesse in over a year. We were good friends all through high school and kept in some contact afterwards. We became closer friends when she and her family moved down the street from me when her youngest daughter, now 6, was an infant. They lived there for about a year and a half and moved out of that house shortly before Diana was born. To make a long story short, we lost touch around the time Diana turned 1. She became a firefighting paramedic, I became a mom trying to balance that and being a coach's wife. I admit (and still do) that I have a hard time keeping in touch with friends and being proactive about getting together with girlfriends.
But, for whatever reason (may it be God putting her back in my life tonight or karma or 'things happen for a reason') I saw her for the first time in years tonight. There was a little awkwardness because I feel guilty for not being a good friend. I told her that I would call her and we said that we would get together sometime. I hope that we do. Jesse is a really good friend and her kids still remember me and were really excited to see me. I can't believe they remember me.
I still have a photo of her three kids sitting with Diana on the porch one summer, Diana was little. I think it was one of the last times we all got together. It's on my desk upstairs.
Why does it take something like karma, or Merriment on Main, to bring people together? Why is it so hard to keep in touch with friends that you've had since high school when they live just down the street? What's even sadder to me is how much Jesse still keeps in touch with so many people that I still talk to as well. We still talk to the same people, but not to each other. We didn't have a falling out or anything like that. Her phone number hasn't changed. My inability to make friends a necessity in my life is the only thing to blame. It's sad, really.
There are other New Year's Resolutions that I will make for 2009 (even though I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions) but this is No. 1...Gotta make more time for girlfriends.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Diana's Christmas List

As listed by her mother, me:
Diana loves...notepads, pens, workbooks, coloring books, crafts, bath time, Backyardigans, Princesses, Thomas the Train, Dora, Diego, Mickey Mouse and most of all Minnie Mouse.
Stuff we didn't get her but she would love...the Hot Wheels ramp that's $10 at Target (they were sold out when I did my shopping on Friday), puzzles, fingernail polish that's suitable for a 3-year-old who still puts her fingers in her mouth at times.
We are posting this list because we know family will ask what Diana needs for Christmas. Truthfully, she doesn't NEED anything. These are her interests and stuff she would be absolutely thrilled to see on Christmas Day when she opens her presents and stocking. She's had such a great year that's been filled with milestones. Seeing her grow and seeing her develop interests has been so fun for us.
We are thinking about putting her in a dance class once the new year starts because she really does love to dance. It would be good, also, for her to socialize with some other kids her age outside of preschool. We know that the next year will be filled with even more excitement as she inches closer to (gulp) kindergarten.