Thursday, August 28, 2008


I found this on another blog I came across. Take the quiz and find out who you are. Leave your answer in my comments.

You Are Cinderella!
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Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

It's us again!

I know, I know...Finally, right? My sister is a blogging machine over at Random Ramblings (click Michelle and Chris over there on the left) but me? Too little time lately.
Let's give a short update on the Borcherts:
Me...I got back from Philadelphia on Sunday after a very short business trip. The trip to Philly was a little more exciting than I would have liked with the company jet developing a cracked window somewhere over Salt Lake City. We made an emergency landing and flew commercial the rest of the way. Very long story short, my total travel time was 19 hours. My total time in Philly was 28 hours. Argh. I was very glad to be back home on Sunday and glad that there is a 3-day weekend this weekend. My workouts are going great! I dropped a pants size which means I only have two pair of pants that fit me right now. All the others are way too big. Kinda exciting, kinda a bummer because shopping is something I am trying to cut back on.

Matt...My dear husband has been in school for two weeks now and basketball is going great. He's got 16 girls on the team and you can follow their season so far by reading the blog (click on the link on the left). His assistant coach writes most of the entries but I have asked her to please teach Matt how to blog as it's very important to recruits. Matt has been a running machine lately and it's showing in his much slender physique! :) He is doing a 10K in Davis on Monday and we are going to be there to cheer him on. Go Daddy!

Diana...I have to just pick a couple things to write about because there's just so much! We decided last night (thanks to the encouragement from Grandma V) to take Diana out of her music class at KinderCare and put her in Phonics, which is geared more toward 3-year-olds. We'll see how she takes to it. It's the same teacher, but she loves her music class. We still have 10 CDs that she's gotten from the music classes, so she can listen to those songs whenever she wants, but she loves jammin' out in that class. She's also doing really well with her new bed. She has fallen out just a couple times and last night Matt pointed out that she's adjusted her sleeping method so that she doesn't fall out. We both noticed that she was pushed up against the other side of the bed so she doesn't even come near the railing. She still doesn't get up in the middle of the night to go pee, but three out of four nights this week, she's had a dry pull-up in the morning. Pretty awesome!

Just in case you were wondering...Even though I have a hard time putting a new post, I do update the blog everyday by writing about my workout from the previous day. Just read the "How's the Training, Angela?" and you can follow my workouts daily!

So, that's all the news with the Borcherts...for now.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So little time

I have so many things to post about and I will get to it, I promise. I have an awesome picture of Diana that I want to put on here, I want to blog about Matt starting school. I want to update everyone on my training that has been going great. It's just been a hectic couple of weeks and even though the laptop has been downstairs lately because Matt has developed an obsession with playing MahJong while watching the Olympics, I am just too tired after I run and stretch and do my exercises. I crash by 9:30.

I do want to encourage my readers (aka Michelle) to click on the Williams College men's basketball link to the left. Matt's best friend just took the head coaching job at Williams College near Boston. The team is in Italy for 10 days, sightseeing and playing basketball. Nice way to start a job, right? The team is keeping a blog of sorts by updating fans daily of their excursions. It's pretty cool. There is even a picture of Mike with his new team on one of the postings, he's the tall guy to the far right in the white tee-shirt.
You don't have to be a basketball fan to enjoy the updates, it's college kids having a great time in a foreign country, getting to see some great sights and play the sport they love. If you have a second, check it out!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A couple of milestones

Diana just keeps growing, changing and getting older every day. It's hard to keep up. Matt bought her some new board games over the weekend because Candy Land was burning us all out a little. We played it every night for two weeks straight I think. She's really good at it, but we needed some more variety. He bought Hi-Ho Cheery-O which she plays at Gramma V's a lot and Chutes and Ladders which I played a lot when I was a kid but Matt didn't. Diana gets pretty bored with that one.
Also last weekend, we converted Diana's crib into a big girl bed. On the first night though, Diana fell out of her bed a couple times (it's not a long fall) and rolled all the way over to her door (it was closed). When Matt went in to check on her, she was sound asleep behind the door. The next day, Daddy went to Babies R Us and purchased a rail for the bed, which he later found out was only for a full size bed. It's supposed to fit in between the box spring and mattress. We are making it work though. We check on her every couple hours to make sure she doesn't roll out of bed and get caught in between the rail and her bed. I would hate to have to put the one side of the crib back on...Diana would throw a fit. She'll get used to it. She loves having a big girl bed though. Matt accidently called it her "new bed" the other day and she very sternly corrected him..."No, Daddy, it's a big girl bed!"
The other big news was that Diana went No.2 at school on Tuesday. I don't want to get into details, but she was rewarded with stickers from Miss Mary and M and Ms at home. She was very proud of herself, hopefully she can keep up it!

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's as easy as riding a bike

My workout this week, according to freakin' Hal Higdon, included 30 minutes of cross training on Saturday. I texted my dad on Friday morning to see if he would be up for a bike ride on Saturday morning. We had been talking about doing this for a while and now that we are both in serious training mode, now seemed as perfect a time as any.
He came over to the house and once I literally dusted off the cobwebs from my bike, we headed out. All was fine, we were strolling along really good. 30 minutes out on Leisure Town Rd., including about 10 minutes down this wonderfully cute little country road. On the way back, about 2 miles from my house, I biked over a concrete-to-asphalt change in the road. It was pretty harsh, but I just kept going.
A half mile later, I notice that my bike isn't riding the same. I look down, notice I have a flat in the front. Crap!
I start to slow down, glance back to tell my dad that we need to stop, lose control, swerve into the gutter and proceed to go face first into Leisure Town Rd. Well, I didn't really go FACE first, but I went flying over the handlebars, according to my dad, who then fell as well.
I jacked up my knee, I need new biking gloves because they ripped open (good thing I was wearing them though because my hands would've been ripped open instead), and my handlebars need some repair work as well.
I honestly don't know how I didn't get hit by a car, but good thing I didn't.
Dad fixed my tire (my hero), a nice lady stopped to see if we were OK and we biked back home, bloody knee and all.
I had to have my mommy come over and take care of my knee though because every time I looked at it, I got light headed.
I'm OK now...I ran 4 miles Sunday night (it was too hot, I should've waited three more hours) and the knee was good. It's just ugly more than anything.
Moral: Don't go four years without riding a bike.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Matt and I celebrated six years of marriage on Monday! We have always gone by the book (shocking, huh?) when it comes to giving gifts. For instance, the first anniversary was paper so Matt bought me some scrapbooking supplies (I was into scrapbooking back then) and I bought him some stationary. This year, the gifts called for candy and/or iron. Well, the candy part is easy. I bought him two one-pound gift certificates to See's Candy. His FAVORITE place to get candy. Even though we are both being disciplined and eating right and trying to lose weight, it's the anniversary and reason to splurge a little.
The iron part was a little harder for me so I just stuck with the candy part. Matt worked a little harder.
Our plan for the anniversary night was to attend the San Francisco Giants game on Monday night so we packed everything we needed into Matt's car on Monday morning and got Diana's suitcase ready for a night at Gramma V's. Matt was scheduled to pick me up from work around 4 p.m. but had to run an errand for me. I looked out my work window to see if he was out front (because I know how he hates to sit out there and wait for me) and I see this limo pull up in front of the building with a sign on the side. Now, we have a lot of limos come to Copart every now and then, but this was different because of the sign. Though I couldn't see what the sign said, I just had a feeling that Matt had gone a little crazy.
Sure enough, the receptionist called me up and asked me "Can you come down and get this?" I asked her "Is that limo for me?" She replied "I have no idea what you are talking about." Hardy har.
So, I went downstairs--with my entourage from work gushing behind me. The limo driver was waiting with some balloons and escorted me to the limo where Matt was waiting--with candy! YUM!
He said he was sure there was iron on the limo somewhere. :)
We opened our cards to one another (we got each other the same Mickey Mouse card) and enjoyed the trip into the city. We sat in the club level during the game so we had easy access to all kinds of food. We even sat inside during the last two and a half innings because it was a little chilly outside. They had televisions so we cheered the Giants on with the staff members waiting to get off work(it was cute).
The Giants won which was awesome and we feel asleep on the way home. It was a great anniversary...once again!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

What I did this weekend

I have been bugging my sister since before she got married to let me take some "Trash the Dress" photos of her after her wedding. She was very hesitant prior to the wedding -- "I love my dress, I don't want to trash it!"

My solution was to take some post-wedding photos that just gave her and Chris a change of scenery in their photo album. (Really, more than anything, this was a chance for me to practice taking portraits). She agreed to the post-wedding session, but due to an unforseen problem with her wedding dress, she had to wear mine, which has been in the closet since August 4, 2002. It worked though. Here's a teaser. Click on my SmugMug link to the left for more.

(I also shot a family of five at Lagoon Valley Park on Sunday, so check out my SmugMug to see their beautiful faces as well. Thanks so much to the Capoot Family for letting me spend an hour with you!)