Thursday, October 16, 2014

My extended Girl Scout family

There are few times when I get out of the house and spend some girl time to myself. I cherish every opportunity I have to mingle with friends, and just de-compress for a little bit. I attended our Girl Scout Service Unit meeting last week and it was a great chance to listen and be inspired by some of the other leaders we have in our area this year. I hope these new leaders are inspired by the veteran leaders and can take away some best practices from them. I've offered my phone number and email to new leaders in the past and they never called when they needed help coming up with ideas for meetings. A year later, their troop disbanded and they were done with Girl Scouts. I felt the most energy at this meeting than I have at previous Service Unit meetings. I really think that this year is going to be a great Girl Scout year...not just for my troop but for our whole area. One of Diana's friends has joined Girl Scouts for the first time this year and her mom is a leader. I've met her a couple of times and she's nice. I told her that she is more than welcome to call me if she ever needs ideas. I gave her some places where I've found great ideas (Pinterest being just one). I hope she calls if she ever feels overwhelmed or at a loss for a meeting activity. I don't like to consider myself a mentor, but I think us women and moms have to rely and count on one another. Oftentimes, women see each other as competition for everything - who can run faster, who can balance more, who can have more kids. With Girl Scouts, it's one troop vs. another during cookie season, but it doesn't have to be that way. It's silly really. We need to be on the same page, the same team. I hope that I can develop some friendships with these new leaders and have some "jam sessions" so to speak and bounce ideas off one another.

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