Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cheese please

Let me preface this story by saying, I know, I's been a while. The busy times aren't over, but they have settled down a little bit. One more month till the season starts and things will really slow down. For now, here's a story to keep this blog a little fresh.

When I was pregnant with Diana I craved cheese. I've actually always loved cheese - and still do - but for the sake of this entry, I will refer to me, pregnant and cheese. Matt was actually worried about my love for cheese when I was pregnant. Even though he didn't come with me to the initial meeting at Kaiser when they spend three hours telling you everything you CAN'T eat but don't tell you what you CAN eat, he was worried about cheese.
About a year ago, Diana went to the grocery store with me and we got her a piece of cheese at the deli. I think they must have asked her if she wanted a cookie and I said "No, but she can have some cheese."
So now everytime we go to the grocery store, Diana has to have a piece of cheese to snack on. And the girl will remind me all throughout the store that we have to stop and get cheese before we leave.
"Mommy, I want cheese."
"I know, D, but we have a couple more things to get then we'll head to the deli."
Two minutes later...
"Mommy, I want a piece of cheese."
"Yeah, D, I know. Almost there, hon."
Etc...You get the point.
The other night we had to stop at the store to pick up some things after work and school. After a while, Diana got hungry and realized she wanted some cheese.
After walking up and down several aisles with her reminding me that she wanted cheese - and other moms looking at us with the "How cute" expression on their faces - we finally arrived at the deli.
Swamped! There were four people in line ahead of us and only two people working behind the counter. Seriously?
I leaned down to Diana and said "Sweetie, there's a lot of people in line ahead of us, let's just go home and make dinner."
Huge mistake! Colossal!
Tears start flowing down the face and she starts crying so hard that no sound is coming out of her mouth.
"OK, OK. My bad! We'll wait!"
Just like that all is right in the world again. The tears magically disappear and the man in line ahead of us diverts his attention away from us and back to placing his order (sidebar: why is it that people stare at a mom and a kid in the store like we are some kind of freak show? Do they feel sorry for me because they think I am a single mom? Look at the bling people!)
Anyway, Diana finally got her cheese. But I ordered a half pound so the deli people weren't annoyed by the random mom who just stopped by for one piece of free cheese.
As we were heading to the checkout line, Diana was chowing on her piece of cheese but still wanted to push her "shopper in training" cart at the same time.
I had to draw the line and no tantrum was going to stop me this time.
Diana collapsed on the ground all princess-like - cheese still in hand - and yelled "I want to push it!" I just kept walking, hunched over the "shopper in training" cart to the checkout line.
She got over it real quick, we paid for the groceries and headed home. Next time I am pregnant, I am going to stick to eating veggies all the time. There's never a line there!


Mama Parker said...

I ate three bowls of rice krispies a day when pregnant with Isabella and A LOT of sourdough bread with Eli.

I totally get the stares too. And why is it that when your child is having a meltdown, people look at you like it's the first time any child has every thrown a tantrum in public??

Orshi said...

oh boy is this what i have to look forward to.
you know, you could've just gotten a package of string cheese... well anyway. :) thanks for sharing it was a great story.