Monday, October 06, 2008

Crazy time for the Borcherts

This week begins a crazy month for us. Tonight, Matt and I attended the Solano College Hall of Fame banquet in Fairfield. And since Gramma V is out of town on vacation, we had to enlist in a family friend to watch Miss Diana for the evening. Apparently, they had a blast! Diana was a little shy when the babysitter came over but turned into Chatty Cathy once we left. There was even a little switcheroo when the babysitter left and her mom took over for the last hour and a half and Diana just went with it.
They played trains, practiced letters on her white board...delved into a little bit of everything. Grandma Jennifer, as Mom Babysitter likes to be called, was loving to listen to Diana on the monitor after she put her to bed. Diana usually winds herself down by talking to her buddies for about an hour and a half and tonight was no different. She talked about her babysitter and everything they did. Matt and I just cracked up listening to Grandma Jennifer tell us all about their fun. Matt was a little worried how Diana would react to having a babysitter since she hasn't had one in a really long time, but she did great! I am a very proud Momma!
Anyway, this is a crazy month...I am headed to Orlando for a work function this weekend. My half marathon training concludes and the race is in three weeks. I can see the finish line, so to speak. Matt's basketball season is a little over a month away. I have deadlines to meet for various projects and I am trying to keep my sanity through it all.


Orshi said...

wow sounds like you have a busy month. its crazy for me to, something every weekend. i have Baby Mama its here waiting to be watched, just say the word.

Michelle MGD said...

Chris can't wait to be the babysitter this weekend. He talks about it everyday!

Mama Parker said...

Isabella talks herself to sleep also. So cute!