Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hop on Pop

We chose to enroll Diana in KinderCare because of the curriculm. It's never been just daycare to us. They teach a lot and she's involved in a great Phonics program on the side at the school that has taught her a ton about her letters. She's come a long way, including being able to spell and write her name as well as Mommy, Daddy and Amy. She's always asking us how to spell something and she writes it really well.
My big task right now is teaching Diana how to read. I know, she's only 4 and a long ways from kindergarten, but why not? We are working out of Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss right now because my mom said that's how I learned to read. She's pretty much got the book memorized so I never know if she's reading the words or just remembering them. It's all the same though, right? She knows all her letter sounds, which she's learned at KinderCare so that's half the battle. I really want her to be able to read long before she goes to kindergarten so better to start now than later!


Michelle MGD said...

I can't wait for Diana to read to me! She is so smart so I'm sure she will catch on quickly!

Unknown said...

Look,.,I did'nt lurn too reed ore wright untill I wuz sicks yeers old,,,and I am dewing just phine...thanck yew vary much!!

Michelle MGD said...

Oh that Uncle Chrissy. He is a crack up!