Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A quick vacation

Months ago, we decided to take a trip to Disneyland. I arranged the whole thing with a travel agent and the night before I was to call the agent to book it, Matt's best friend called and said he was getting married on Labor Day weekend...in Chicago. Disneyland cancelled. Luckily, we never told Diana that we were going to Disneyland. Good thing, huh? So we were in Chicago this past weekend. It was so much fun. We arrived on a Thursday night and left on Monday morning. Quick trip, yes. But jam-packed with events. We got really lucky with the weather (it was never humid and only rained a little bit).
I even got to run in preparation for the half marathon I am training for (yes, that's another post to come).

Here's a breakdown of our weekend:
Thursday p.m. arrive Chicago
Friday - L-train to the Chicago Cubs game (amazing on both accounts!!), dinner at Rainforest Cafe.
Saturday - Sears Tower (very cool), Navy Pier, Lunch at Billy Goat Tavern (hilarious), rehearsal dinner at Gino's East in Wheaton, Ill.
Sunday - Me, 8-mile run along Lake Michigan from hotel to Navy Pier to Soldier Field (wonderful way to start the day). Magnificent Mile shopping, Wedding in Wheaton, Ill., reception.
Monday - home.

We were busy bees, but had so much. We love Chicago and want to go back every year for vacation. Diana had a great time at the hotel, on the train and in the airplane. Amy slept at all the major sightseeing locations.

Matt and the girls outside Wrigley...Amy slept on the L on the way to the park, woke up for lunch and then slept for eight innings of the game.

This was taken during one of Matt's many trips to the concession stands. :)

Matt and the girls at Navy Pier where Diana and I rode the Ferris Wheel and Matt and Amy rode on the carousel.


Michelle MGD said...

I want to see all of your pictures!!! Your family is so adorable. I'm so glad you had a good time. Chicago is now officially on our list of places to visit!!

Lisa said...

I want to know how you get little Amy to sleep out in public???? Such a good traveler!! My child will only fall asleep if the stars are lined up just right, and if she is in her own bed rolling around with her blanket over her eyes!! Therefore my outings are limited!! Looks like a fun trip!

Pro-Ject 8 said...

congrats for the blog! really nice! ;)