Monday, August 29, 2011

Staying very busy

I've known people all through my life who have held down three jobs just to make ends meet. They go from one job to the next, barely enough time in between to feed or even say hi to their kids, and this is their life. The whole family adjusts to this crazy schedule...but it's only crazy to those not in it. What is crazy to one family may not be so crazy to another.
As a writer, I can work from anywhere. Right now, I am in the backyard with the laptop, sitting at the table while Amy plays in the water table and slides down the slide. Diana is learning Spanish at school and Matt is at work. It's quiet for the most part, aside from lawnmowers doing their business and some birds chirping.
For the last few months I have been writing a column for the local newspaper about being a stay-at-home mom. I've gotten good feedback from it and I really enjoying writing it. Last week, I picked up another freelance writing gig and I have another prospective offer to do some freelance work for a local company. That's three jobs. And I haven't even mentioned the stuff I do for Matt's basketball team and freelance work I do for some of the other sports teams at Solano, some PR stuff I do for the Solano president and part-time PR for Diana's theatre company. Whew.
That's OK. It's projects, and I love projects. I love staying busy and keeping my creative juices flowing.
I had a coffee meeting with a friend this morning and she said that maybe I was just going to be one of those people who freelances. I said I was OK with that because freelancing allows me to be involved with my kids' lives. I can take them to gymnastics, theatre and all their other activities and still have some money coming in. I just have to make sure I am cutting back in places.
The thing I look forward to every day though is taking Diana to school and picking her up. She really looks forward to school and I have been able to help out a friend/neighbor by having her daughter walk with us to school every day. I realize that there's nothing quite like being there to tell your kid to have a great day and being the first one to ask how their day was. Yes, all the in between stuff is hard - disciplining a 2-year-old, coming up with creative lunches every day, cleaning the house, staying sane - but it's all worth it when that little first grader runs over to me in the afternoon and tells me all about her day on the way home.


Michelle MGD said...

This makes me so happy!

"V" said...
