Monday, May 06, 2013

Full circle in a rectangle

I am lucky to have two little girls who love books, love to hear stories and love to make up stories. Three and a half years ago, I taught Diana how to read. She was almost four, about to become a big sister and a year away from being in kindergarten. It was time. It wasn't hard. She is a great learner and very enthusiastic. We did have our rough nights, but for the most part, she got it, wanted to learn how to read and picked it up in no time. It helped that I have parents who are familiar with the great resources available to teachers and could guide me in the right direction. My mom picked up Dr. Seuss' Hop on Pop to teach me how to read decades ago so she insisted that I start there. Along with Frontline Phonics and Hop on Pop, Diana and I were off. Now, three and a half years later, it's all coming full circle. I sit with my girls in Amy's bedroom nearly every night and we read. Amy proudly assigns us our books and we read. Amy even makes up a story based on the pictures in her selection. It's nearly always 100 percent accurate. Lately, Amy has been picking out Hop on Pop to read. I get a little grin on my face every time she picks it out. Time flies. The first time the three of us sat down to read, Amy amazed me at how well she knew the book. It wasn't until we were halfway through that I asked her if she had been reading it with Grandma V. "Yes," she said very matter-of-factly. Oh, that explains a lot. But still, it's very awesome how much she loves to read, how well she remembers the story and the words. She's also very easy to teach and I am sure that she will be ready for kindergarten in no time. After we read Hop on Pop, I head next door to read with Diana - Ramona Quimby, Age 8 is the book of choice these days. The book was published in 1981...I was six. I remember the book fondly and chuckle at everything that happens to Ramona in third grade. The egg in her hair, throwing up in class, her constant love-hate battles with Beezus. It's remarkable how books transcend time. I wasn't sure if Diana would like the Ramona series when her grandpa got the series for her a couple of birthdays ago, but we have worked through them pretty rapidly. I am the one who insists on taking a break once in a while, much to the dismay of Diana. As stressful as bedtime routines can be for a tired working mom, the quiet time we have in the final 30 minutes of our day is the most relaxing, enjoyable 30 minutes of my day. I love their creativity, their love for one another to sit and read to each other and their passion for books. I hope it never ends.

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