Monday, May 13, 2013

Pinterest Saturday

I became a fan of Pinterest less than a year ago. My neighbor insisted that I become a member of the site and after much denial, I finally got on board and have been hooked ever since. Now, every time I make a dessert, something fun for dinner or offer my kids something creative to do during quiet time at home, they ask "Pinterest?" I proudly say "yes. All good ideas come from Pinterest ladies." I have no shame. I had the girls to myself for a few hours on Saturday so I decided to turn it the short time before naps into Pinterest Saturday. We made Flubber - one batch was good, the other one was not so good (my bad for not cleaning the bowl out completely between batches). The girls loved it - the made "cookies" mostly, but it was a great time killer while I made lunch, cleaned up after lunch and then later made dinner. Yes, they actually came back to it later! After naps, I let the girls play outside. They have been very excited about painting lately (especially Amy) so I decided to try out a new painting "recipe" I found. It involved shaving cream and tempura paint. Yes, it was messy, but it made for some great artwork, a lot of creativity and many "wow" moments, which I live for! I now have to make a trip to buy some frames to hang up the girls' art work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just love PINTREST too! It's the best! I enjoyed your post. :0)