Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feeling Pregnant

When I was pregnant with Diana, I was really lucky. I didn't have to be to work until 2:30 at the latest so I just sat in bed all morning until the last possible minute when I had to get in the shower and start getting ready for work...which was about noon. I munched on crackers and swore I was going to die from nausea.
I am a lot tougher now (mentally that is)..being a mom will do that to you. I don't have nausea when I get up in the morning, but once I get up and get going it starts. Then, when my eyes see food, it's over. From the time I force down some breakfast until about 10 a.m., it's all nausea all the time. I found a solution this morning...I went to Safeway on my way into work and bought some caffeine free Ginger tea. There must have been 500 boxes of tea and only three of them were Ginger flavored. Of those three, just one was caffeine free. I had two cups of Ginger tea this morning and a couple handfuls of pretzels. By 10 a.m., I was feeling much better. Let's hope this remedy works every day. At least I am feeling pregnant now. I also found out this week that Matt's aunt's birthday is on my due date. That's kinda cool. She's hoping for an on-time baby of course. What are the odds of that, about 1 in 365, right?
In other news: Matt's season gets over on Friday. Well, that is, if they don't share the conference title. It's been a fun season. This team has grown so much and made so much improvement that I am a little sad to see it end. What a great group this has been. I covered two of the three sophomores in high school for several years so it's gonna be sad to see them leave, but happy to see them move on. It's been great to have them as a part of our family for the past two years.
We have been introducing more and more the idea of Diana being a big sister. I bought her a "I'm a Big Sister" book which we read every day. She loves it. I asked her if she wants to have a girl or a boy. She said a girl because "Me and you are girls, Mommy." I said "But if we have a boy, then Daddy will have someone to play tackle football with." She got really quiet. That was not a good thing to say because tackle football is Diana's favorite thing to play with Matt right now. I quickly, and I do mean quickly, changed the subject. I really don't want to find out what sex the baby is, but Matt, Au Bob and just about everyone I know says that I have to find out. Why? I love surprises. We have names ready for both...but I'll never tell. Not for seven more months! :)


Michelle MGD said...

tell au bob the names!!!!!!!!! I can't wait 7 months.

Lisa said...

Wait, wait, wait to know the sex! You have the rest of the babies life to know what it is! What is waiting 7 months? It's like unwrapping a present...with a little more work involved! Hope your morning remedy works for the nausea!

Lisa said...
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Orshi said...

What names did you pick? You should find out with this baby, since you didn't with Diana. :)

Mama Parker said...

Hopefully you are feeling better!! Diana will be a great big sister!

I had to find out the sex of the kids, but I totally get the whole surprise thing. I think it would be fun!