Wednesday, July 08, 2009

My new BFF

I guess I am obligated by the title of the blog to keep family and friends updated on the status of our entire family...not just Matt and Diana. Therefore, this will be a post about my new best friend, our couch.
I was placed on moderate bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. My numbers (blood pressure and urinalysis) were really good over the weekend in rest mode so the doctor decided to keep me here...on the couch. Granted, I have to work. I love my job. But I love living and I love my family more so this was the right move. Some of my friends don't seem to understand that bed rest, even the moderate type that I am on, means that no, I can't go to work. I have to sit here and rest as much as possible. About the only time I can leave the house is to go grocery shopping and take Diana to one of her many activities this summer (she started swimming on Monday and will start soccer on Saturday).
Bed rest is not fun, but necessary. So the couch and I will bond over the next two months until the baby is ready to come. I went to the doctor on Monday and have an appointment with a perinatologist on Friday. I think they are going to want to do another ultrasound to make sure the baby is growing OK. Fine, do what you have to do, I say. The baby is moving well so I am not too concerned. Honestly, I would rather have overconcerned doctors and overprotective doctors than have doctors who say "eh, you're fine, just take it easy."
I truly believe that all this is going to make us stronger as a family. And that's never a bad thing, right? There are a lot of people out there who are a lot sicker than I am.
The night after my appointment, I had a hard time sleeping so I came down to watch SportsCenter at 2 a.m. There was a story of a 6-year-old kid who had cancer, but it was being treated successfully with chemo, etc. He had a wish to practice with the Dallas Cowboys (Matt's favorite team). I thought, "you know, this kid is going through a lot more than I am and he's 6!" I fell asleep a short time later.
I am monitoring my bp and doing urinalysis at home and all has been good for the most part. I am reading "The Associate" by John Grisham (so good!) and if anyone has any good books they want to pass on, please do. I can get through a book quick style these days!


Michelle MGD said...

I am very proud of you for having such a positive outlook on your current situation. You are amazing. I love you so much, sister!! Hang in there and before you know it, you will be elbow deep in baby poop!! :)

Mama Parker said...

Elbow deep in baby poop - that's funny!

Have you read the Twilight Saga? Heehee. :) It's really good. I'm going to read Wicked next. If you like legal mystery/thrillers you should check out Perri O'Shaughnessy. I've taken a recent break from fiction to read some non-fiction books - cultural study stuff about food. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is really good!

I have never been on bed rest, but I had NSTs (non-stress tests) twice a week with Eli b/c they were concerned he wasn't growing because of my bilobed placenta. He was 8 lbs. 11 oz!

Hang in there!!

Unknown said...

I don't read books as a matter of principle but I do have a little nuggets of awesome for you. 2 words: Cash Cab. It's on the Discovery Channel, it's hosted by Ben Bailey and it is one of the best things ever created by man...that's not an exaggeration literally goes:

1.) Ferrari F430 Scuderia
2.) Cash Cab
3.) Rickey Henderson

"V" said...

As you know, every day now is THE most important day in the life of your yet unnamed little one. May your rest bring both YOU and him/her much health. We're here for you!