Monday, October 05, 2009

Movin' On Up

About 10 years ago, my dad bought my sister and me this cool alarm clock from Sharper Image for Christmas. It's a CD player and also has soothing sounds and a radio. You can wake up to any of them and you can unplug it and take it with you anywhere. It's pretty neat. And the fact that I have had it for 10 years speaks volumes about the quality of product that Sharper Image offers...even though I am pretty sure they are out of business now.
Amy and I moved upstairs yesterday. Yes, I said, "and I." It's been too hot for her to sleep upstairs in our room so I have been sleeping downstairs with her for the past month and a half. The temperature in Vacaville has gone down quite a bit which is great because my body aches and I was glad to get somewhat of a good night's sleep last night. We put Amy down at around 8 p.m. and though I felt horrible, I went back downstairs to have some husband time with Matt. Not long after she was down, she started fussing and then crying. I went up to see if she was OK and she had escaped her swaddle. I re-swaddled her, gave her the Soothie and glanced over at my nightstand. I pushed "Soothing Sounds" (which plays ocean waves) on my alarm clock and it took all of two minutes for the little one to fall right asleep. We kept it on for another couple hours before she ate but will definitely use it again. The white noise was very helpful in getting her to sleep.
Hat's off to Grandpa D for that one!


Michelle MGD said...

We got those at Christmas in 1998. I remember because I recall bringing it back to my dorm at Sierra. I have mine too! The cd player doesn't work and the volume dial isn't reliable but that thing has been waking me up without fail for 11 years.

"V" said...

Strange timing. Just last night when I put (or tried to put) Miss Amy to bed, I was on my knees next to her basinette facing that very same clock radio! I thought to myself how long you have had that clock radio! I looked around wondering why you didn't have a CD playing with classical music like you did for Diana. Let's get those brain cells growing - classical music please!