Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Amy's first graduation

I don't have a photo because I wasn't expecting to be told that Amy would no longer have to go to physical therapy. I would have taken a picture of Amy with her physical therapist and made a big ole scene, but I was really surprised when Jennifer said that my little one is doing great. She thinks she will be walking soon even. I said 'Do you think she'll be walking before Christmas?' She said definitely. Now, I am not going to take that to the bank, because it's not like she's a fortune teller or anything, but that's awesome!
Her final appointment was yesterday and it went great, obviously. Amy played, crawled around the room and walked along the furniture. Jennifer was very impressed.
It was a bittersweet day for me. I have always loved the PT appointments because they are fun, informative and require zero shots.
But...Amy's physical therapist got pregnant and is due in a month. So, had she not granted Amy release from PT, we would have had to see a different physical therapist in six weeks and I was not down with that.
I was all weird when we left and Jennifer was all 'Bye!' I said 'Bye, thank you for everything, good luck with the baby...' And on and on. I mean, this is the woman who has been very instrumental in Amy's development. Does she think I was going to sprint from the office and never look back? Not likely.
I am pretty pumped that Amy is doing so well. But she's growing up way too fast. I just can't believe that 12 1/2 months ago, she was a little 3-pounder. She's a big mama now.

Why does time fly?

Don't even get me started on the emotions I am going to feel seven days from now when I drop Miss D off at (wait for it) kindergarten (gasp!) AHHHHH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulatins Amy, and Congratulations Mom and Dad! I wish I had the answer to the flying time . . .I only know it seems to speed up with each passing day. First day of K! What a milestone! You're right . . .lots of emotion in store(I'm tearing up just thinking about it from miles away). Enjoy!