Monday, August 02, 2010

My little camper

Diana started her second week of Camp Disney at a local performing arts center this week. The week before was week one and the week before that she participated in a gymnastics camp that was more camp than gymnastics.
Every day when we asked her what she did at camp, she'd reply with 'We colored.' It's pretty much been the same response with the Camp Disney experience, but they are learning some Disney songs. Whatever. It's cheaper than day care and it gives her summer a little variety.
It's weird though to think of her at camp. We just drop her off and she's fine. That's one brave girl, man. She has no idea who we are leaving her with (not that I do) and she just goes on her way. As long as she's happy, I'm happy.
She starts at the new daycare center next week and then it's off to Kindergarten the following week.
As one of the moms said a couple weeks back at a birthday party we attended, "shouldn't the first day of school be a holiday for moms?" Uh, yea, is my response!

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