Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The aftermath of the first field trip

Diana went on her first field trip yesterday. All the way to UC Davis where the entire Spanish Immersion Program listened to Christmas music and mariachi music at the Mondavi Center. I was pumped for her, she was pumped. They even got to ride a big yellow school bus.
It was raining when I dropped her off at school and the teachers decided to have the kids leave their lunches at school (instead of having them bring them on the trip so they could eat them picnic-style on campus).
When I picked Diana up later, she was beaming. She told me about the pretty dresses the people were wearing, the music they played and she sang Feliz Navidad (her new favorite Christmas song) the rest of the day.
When I was lingering around with other members of the Drop Your Kids Off at School Club this morning, the parents said their kids were bored at the event. Some said their kids fell asleep. One kid was biting another kid and got sent to the principal's office when they returned to campus that afternoon.
Granted, not every kid thought the event was boring. I am just glad my kid could tell me details about the event and that she enjoyed it. I have a cultured kid...yay!


Michelle MGD said...

Diana rules! She is well on her way to enjoying education and learning about new things. I love that she goes on field trips too. That is so awesome. But wasn't she just born? Time flies man!

"V" said...

Fantastic! She is a super child. She's going to LOVE The Nutcracker too.