Saturday, December 04, 2010

A new club

I joined a new club two weeks ago - the Drop Off Our Kids club. I am part of a select group of parents who drop off their kindergartner in the "afternoon." Since I am a new member of this club and am joining midway through the school year, many of the original members were curious as to why I was joining this club so late. I informed them of my current job status.
During one of our first "meetings" two dads (yes, moms and dads are allowed to be part of this club) were talking about how they have a hard time falling asleep at night. They don't get to sleep until 4 in the morning. This is a foreign concept to me. I go to sleep at 9:30 and once my head hits the pillow, I am out.
I informed them of this wonderful invention called chamomile tea. They had no idea that something natural could get them to sleep so well.
The next day, I was a good club member and brought them each one tea bag of Sweet Dreams tea. One dad asked where he could buy it. Any store, was my reply.
This club is a mixed bag. There are grandmas, grandpas, moms and dads. Every day there are different members but everyone is very friendly. Some members have even exchanged phone calls and texts.
After a meeting one day, I walked home with one club member who lives down the street from us. She's very nice. Miss D and her son are actually really good friends. We had a nice chat.
Maybe next meeting, I will remember her name.

1 comment:

"V" said...

Ahh, the joys of meeting and knowing your children's friends' parents. Some of the best thing in life are free.