Monday, September 29, 2014

Thanks for the memories, alpacas!

It would be super easy to take the family to obvious outings on the weekend when we have a couple of hours to spare - the library, the Outlets, the bookstore are a couple of places we go and the girls have a great time. They are always up for a trip to any of these places. But when I saw that a couple of our local alpaca farms were opening their ranches to the public one weekend, I jumped at the opportunity to expand our horizons and do something a little different. The day was going to start with alpacas if I had anything to say about it. The girls didn't really question this decision. They didn't know what an alpaca was, they changed their outfits several times because they didn't really know how to dress for visiting a farm, but we eventually got there. I called Au Bob and Julia and they met us's never too early for a baby to experience farm animals. The alpaca farm, Ahh...Sweet Alpacas, had about 40 alpacas on the ranch. There were already a ton of people there when we got there. The girls were able to feed the alpacas leaves and pet them. They are such friendly animals. If you don't have food, they want nothing to do with you. They literally ran away from us if we ran out of leaves. Diana had so much fun she kept running back to get more leaves without even asking us if she could. Amy had a harder time warming up to the alpacas, but we finally convinced her that the alpacas wanted her leaves, not her fingers. She finally got brave and got a kick out of feeding them. I took a ton of pictures but due to technical difficulties am unable to upload them. It's a memory that I won't forget. One hour at this place was a great time and I highly recommend it to anyone who has a chance!

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