Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A couple of milestones

Diana just keeps growing, changing and getting older every day. It's hard to keep up. Matt bought her some new board games over the weekend because Candy Land was burning us all out a little. We played it every night for two weeks straight I think. She's really good at it, but we needed some more variety. He bought Hi-Ho Cheery-O which she plays at Gramma V's a lot and Chutes and Ladders which I played a lot when I was a kid but Matt didn't. Diana gets pretty bored with that one.
Also last weekend, we converted Diana's crib into a big girl bed. On the first night though, Diana fell out of her bed a couple times (it's not a long fall) and rolled all the way over to her door (it was closed). When Matt went in to check on her, she was sound asleep behind the door. The next day, Daddy went to Babies R Us and purchased a rail for the bed, which he later found out was only for a full size bed. It's supposed to fit in between the box spring and mattress. We are making it work though. We check on her every couple hours to make sure she doesn't roll out of bed and get caught in between the rail and her bed. I would hate to have to put the one side of the crib back on...Diana would throw a fit. She'll get used to it. She loves having a big girl bed though. Matt accidently called it her "new bed" the other day and she very sternly corrected him..."No, Daddy, it's a big girl bed!"
The other big news was that Diana went No.2 at school on Tuesday. I don't want to get into details, but she was rewarded with stickers from Miss Mary and M and Ms at home. She was very proud of herself, hopefully she can keep up it!

1 comment:

Michelle MGD said...

How is the big girl bed going? It is so exciting to know that she is old enough to enjoy the comforts of a real bed. And scary too!!