Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's us again!

I know, I know...Finally, right? My sister is a blogging machine over at Random Ramblings (click Michelle and Chris over there on the left) but me? Too little time lately.
Let's give a short update on the Borcherts:
Me...I got back from Philadelphia on Sunday after a very short business trip. The trip to Philly was a little more exciting than I would have liked with the company jet developing a cracked window somewhere over Salt Lake City. We made an emergency landing and flew commercial the rest of the way. Very long story short, my total travel time was 19 hours. My total time in Philly was 28 hours. Argh. I was very glad to be back home on Sunday and glad that there is a 3-day weekend this weekend. My workouts are going great! I dropped a pants size which means I only have two pair of pants that fit me right now. All the others are way too big. Kinda exciting, kinda a bummer because shopping is something I am trying to cut back on.

Matt...My dear husband has been in school for two weeks now and basketball is going great. He's got 16 girls on the team and you can follow their season so far by reading the blog (click on the link on the left). His assistant coach writes most of the entries but I have asked her to please teach Matt how to blog as it's very important to recruits. Matt has been a running machine lately and it's showing in his much slender physique! :) He is doing a 10K in Davis on Monday and we are going to be there to cheer him on. Go Daddy!

Diana...I have to just pick a couple things to write about because there's just so much! We decided last night (thanks to the encouragement from Grandma V) to take Diana out of her music class at KinderCare and put her in Phonics, which is geared more toward 3-year-olds. We'll see how she takes to it. It's the same teacher, but she loves her music class. We still have 10 CDs that she's gotten from the music classes, so she can listen to those songs whenever she wants, but she loves jammin' out in that class. She's also doing really well with her new bed. She has fallen out just a couple times and last night Matt pointed out that she's adjusted her sleeping method so that she doesn't fall out. We both noticed that she was pushed up against the other side of the bed so she doesn't even come near the railing. She still doesn't get up in the middle of the night to go pee, but three out of four nights this week, she's had a dry pull-up in the morning. Pretty awesome!

Just in case you were wondering...Even though I have a hard time putting a new post, I do update the blog everyday by writing about my workout from the previous day. Just read the "How's the Training, Angela?" and you can follow my workouts daily!

So, that's all the news with the Borcherts...for now.

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