Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So little time

I have so many things to post about and I will get to it, I promise. I have an awesome picture of Diana that I want to put on here, I want to blog about Matt starting school. I want to update everyone on my training that has been going great. It's just been a hectic couple of weeks and even though the laptop has been downstairs lately because Matt has developed an obsession with playing MahJong while watching the Olympics, I am just too tired after I run and stretch and do my exercises. I crash by 9:30.

I do want to encourage my readers (aka Michelle) to click on the Williams College men's basketball link to the left. Matt's best friend just took the head coaching job at Williams College near Boston. The team is in Italy for 10 days, sightseeing and playing basketball. Nice way to start a job, right? The team is keeping a blog of sorts by updating fans daily of their excursions. It's pretty cool. There is even a picture of Mike with his new team on one of the postings, he's the tall guy to the far right in the white tee-shirt.
You don't have to be a basketball fan to enjoy the updates, it's college kids having a great time in a foreign country, getting to see some great sights and play the sport they love. If you have a second, check it out!

1 comment:

Michelle MGD said...

Seeing pictures of Italy makes me angry but I will look anyways.

I need that picture of Diana! STAT!!!